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  1. 原文出處: 原作者:Clark/中文翻譯:Skypray Huang. 第1版:2022/4/5,最新版:2022/4/22. 註:因為遊戲目前尚無統一中文翻譯,使用Board Game Arena遊戲裡的中文翻譯,可能專有名詞上不甚精確或有些錯誤 (例如Aeroplane被譯為「滑翔翼」而不是「飛機」) 網頁瀏覽版本.

  2. For the first time the Pandemic base game has got an official solo mode by Matt Leacock. They were published on May 14th. Thank you Matt and Z-man games. I assume this is largely due to the fact that many sits at home in lockdown or are social distancing.

  3. 35 Posts. 1. 2. Arkham Horror: The Card Game – Amazon $21.50 – Affiliate Link.

  4. In A Message From the Stars, a team of scientists seeks to decipher cryptic messages from an extraterrestrial civilization. Set against a backdrop of cosmic mystery, players take on the roles of brilliant scientists tasked with decoding a series of perplexing satellite transmissions. These transmissions are believed to contain vital messages ...

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  7. 2019年11月3日 · We were informed the scenario ended after 30 threat, so with 5 characters, we were going to get at most 3 turns. In addition, the app reminded us again why going this way might have been a bad decision. Anyways, the objective was to find a way out of the