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  1. 觀看預告片. 踏入稀有的櫻花生態域,鋪滿粉紅色的櫻花葉。 嗅探者曾瀕臨絕種,但現在您可讓其回到主世界中。 盔甲裝飾會顯示您已遊歷和生存過的世界,以及曾為特定場合穿戴過的裝飾! Minecraft 的沙土中埋藏許多秘密,是時候挖掘這些秘密了。 駱駝是一種巨大的生物,您可以騎乘、馴服或繁殖駱駝。 竹子可讓您的建造物品產生獨特變化,例如適合鋪在地上的馬賽克磁磚和特殊竹筏! 櫻花生態域. 探索稀有的櫻花生態域尋找以發掘櫻花樹苗、木頭套裝和粉紅色花朵地毯方塊! 尋找種子的嗅探者. 讓絕種的嗅探者再次重返主世界。 尋找它的蛋、幫助其孵化,並看著您的嗅探者為您挖掘可供播種的種子! 探險模式. 盔甲裝飾會顯示您已遊歷和生存過的世界,以及曾為特定場合穿戴過的裝飾! 尋找範本,並使用鍛造檯製作裝飾並為其染色。

  2. Minecraft Live is a virtual event that's accessed around the world. It's packed with news about our games, content creators, and it will include a community vote that influences the game. How can I watch Minecraft Live? You can watch Minecraft Live in any place that has an internet connection.

  3. Welcome to the Minecraft community. Our Minecraft community never stops amazing us with their creativity. On this page, we gather some of their best work—videos, builds, and more. Banner image created by Sonja. Town Hall. For new Players. Youtube. Discussions & help. Feedback.

  4. Not a lot, really – except that they're both made up of lots of small cubes. Clay artist Wuzu Clay used this shared cubeitude to make not one, not two, but three exceptionally detailed, functional Minecraft Rubik's Cubes, which required hundreds of tiny little polymer clay cubes, and took a very long time to make, because five out of the six ...

  5. › zh-hans › community社区 | Minecraft

    Just because we named it Minecraft Live doesn’t mean that you can’t watch it over and over and over again whenever you want. Check out the 2022 edition of our annual celebration of all things Minecraft, featuring new updates, exciting announcements, mob votes, and more! Official youtube channel.

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