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  1. 禮盒包裝 相關

  2. 過去一個月已有 超過 100 萬 位使用者造訪過

    Huge selection of packaging supplies. Boxes, tape, tubes, mailers and much more. Over 41,000 Products. Huge Catalog! Same Day Shipping.

    • Poly Bags

      Over 1,200 sizes of flat open-end

      poly bags in stock. Heat sealable.

    • Retail Packaging

      Retail bags, tissue paper and gift

      wrap to package your merchandise.

  3. 嚴選品質x包裝用心!經典原味、香醇芝麻、濃情巧克力等多種口味可任選,送禮不怕丟面子! 手提式包裝,無須再另外購買紙袋,精美包裝外盒,廣受好評絕佳口感,面子裡子一次到位!

  4. 田原香,滴雞精經典品牌,滴滴香醇營養到位,年節送禮送到心坎裡 業界評價最高品牌! 【優惠鎖定】你的健康財富密碼已經準備好了! 每月1-5號限時團購,滴雞精這樣買最划算

  5. We Provide Semi-custom Plastic Clamshell Packaging Services. We Also Provide Blister Packaging Services for Ultimate Product Protection.

  6. 客製規格滿足所需,成本低,交貨快速,品質精良! 專業生技、保健產品包裝、OEM、ODM代工等服務,交貨效率快!
