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  2. 爱词霸英语翻译器为广大英文学习爱好者提供即时的在线翻译、在线词典、英文写作校对、汉译英、英译汉、图片、文档翻译、汉语查词等服务,金山词霸在线查词翻译频道致力于提供优质的在线翻译、查词服务.

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  4. 释义. coarctation. 密集,收缩; constriction. 压缩; 紧压的感觉; 束紧; 压缩物; stegnosis. 紧缩; 缩; 实用场景例句. 全部. Flattening of the right atrial border is also seen in constrictive pericarditis. 右心房缘变平亦见于缩性心包炎. 辞典例句. Objective: Early operative results of pericardiectomy for constrictive pericarditis was studied. 目的: 研究影响缩性心包炎心包剥脱术早期预后的因素. 互联网.

  5. This river is the narrowest of the three. 这条河是三条河中面最的一条. 互联网. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供narrowest的中文意思,narrowest的用法讲解,narrowest的读音,narrowest的同义词,narrowest的反义词,narrowest的例句等英语服务。.

  6. 试试 人工翻译 翻译全文. 的. 释义. narrow. 狭窄的; 狭隘的; 险胜的; 勉强的; 有限的; 狭义的; 点击 人工翻译 ,了解更多 人工释义. 实用场景例句. 全部. Aspirin thins the blood, letting it flow more easily through narrowed blood vessels. 阿司匹林可以稀释血液,使其在变的血管里更顺畅地流动。 柯林斯例句. Heat the liquid in a large, wide container rather than a high narrow one, or it can boil over. 把液体放在大而宽的容器里加热,不要用高而的,否则液体沸腾后会溢出来。 柯林斯例句.

  7. 互联网. TX of baseband signal ( its low frequency ) using high frequency carrier. 基带信号 ( 低频率 ) 使用高频率载波德克萨斯州. 互联网. It is used only in baseband networks because of its narrow bandwidth. 由于其的带宽,它仅被用于基带网络中. 互联网. Baseband circuit design of mobile phone. 手机 ...

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