Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. The system claims to be effective at achieving popular consensus around contentious issues over a period of two or three weeks with anywhere from 100 to tens of thousands of participants or more. Polis has been used to generate consensus on climate issues in Austria (2022), in Uruguay on a national referendum (2020–2021), in New Zealand to ...

  2. Found four types of boundary objects p.48-51 (not an exhaustive list) Ø Repositories – ordered piles of objects that are indexed in a standard fashion. § Built to deal with problems of heterogeneity caused by differences in unit of analysis. § Have the advantage of modularity. Ø Platonic Object (Ideal Type) – A map or atlas that does ...

  3. = works on the consciousness aspects of money, through workshops Bio Peter Koenig has studied the phenomenology of money since the early 1980s, giving presentations and performing original research with small groups. He was born in London in 1947, went to ...

  4. Contextual Citation Tomas Diez: "A fab city is not a city full of fab labs. We are aiming for fab labs to disappear, which means that local production is embedded in ...

  5. Dr. N.I. Veduta was not only a noble manager but also a scientist who was able to compile a unique experience of the Soviet Union to create a model of mixed economy, modeled on the mechanism of free competition with the inclusion of the market impact to establish the proportions in the planning. Therefore Dr. N.I. Veduta will always be a number ...

  6. The first task is one of conceptual rigor, to note a problem in naming our new geological epoch the Anthropocene. The root, anthropos (Greek for “human”), suggests that it’s just humans being humans, in the way that kids will be kids or snakes will be snakes, that has caused climate change and the planet’s sixth mass extinction.

  7. Description. 1. From the Wikiversity: "Deleuze coined the term 'dividual' to explain the mechanisms of a 'control society', which he opposes to Foucaults 'disciplinary society' (a stage he says we have left). The basic premise is that the term individual means indivisible, the smallest unit which society can be reduced to.