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  1. The goal—especially in the modern complex and fast-changing environment—is to transition out of our current crisis in economy and environment towards a society that is both knowledge-based and sustainable. The four keywords so central to SLOC—small, local, open and connected—are meaningful because they are, at the same time, visionary ...

  2. The CopyFair license endorses and maintains the free software freedoms enshrined in the GPL, but restricts profit-making potential by a reciprocity requirement. Unlike the Creative Commons Non-Commercial license, the CopyFair does not restrict the creation of an economy around these commons.

  3. P2P是以 势或“反资格主义”为特点的。这意味着参与并没有经过事先的挑选。合作的资格是在合作过程中自行校验的。因而,如果参与者具备为某项目出力的必需技能,该项目对所有的参与者都是开放的。这些技能在项目进行过程中自行校验并共同 ...

  4. Excerpted from Text Ronald Logan: "A century has passed since Kropotkin challenged the ...

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