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  1. Tokyo Women’s Medical University Hospital (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo) The TWMU’s foundational philosophy is “Sincerity and Compassion.” “Utmost sincerity” and “warm-heartedness (compassion)” are required in all settings including education, research, and clinical practice. Our medical centers, too, are operated in accordance with this ...

  2. In 1908, the teaching hospital of the original medical school opened. After several decades, Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital, located in Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, is now an advanced state-of-arts hospital with 1,423 beds (as of September 2004). The hospital has a dedicated staff of 6,358, comprising 1,775 doctors, 1,684 nurses ...

  3. 信一 山本 唯 神山 智子 田中 瑞保 (第1,3,5週) 吉田 直史 (第1,3週) 坂口 佐知代 (~14:00) (第2週) 大屋 純子 (~12:00) 横山 陽一 (第3週) 田中 伸枝 井倉 和紀 田中 紗代子 (第2,4週) 渡部 ちづる (第1週) 神山 智子 近藤 有一郎 (第1,4

  4. Research Details. A major recent focus of our laboratory is to investigate the effects of cancer-related and inflammatory genes on cancer growth and metastasis. We are examining the growth, migration, invasion into metastatic sites, and proliferation of primary cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we are examining the effects of ...

  5. Tokyo Women's Medical University Medical Center East. Tokyo Women's Medical University opened a free clinic in "Ogu Community Center" in July 1930. This clinic eventually became a branch of the University Hospital, named Daini Hospital in 1934,. Since then, the hospital has been functioning as a major community hospital in northeastern Tokyo.

  6. Graduate School of Medical Science Gastroenterology About us Digestive internal medicine is targeted to many organs, including the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, large intestine). The target ...

  7. Graduate School of Medical Science Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery About us The Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University (TWMU) was founded in 1965 by Prof. Komei Nakayama. The institute leads Japanese gastroenterological ...