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  1. 海嘯預報 當重大海嘯警報海嘯警報或諮詢發布或取消時我們將通知您。 大雨風險等級 如果指定區域因大雨而導致山體滑坡或河流氾濫的風險增加,您將會收到通知。 大雨預報 如果天氣預報預測降水量將超過設定值,您將收到通知。

    • (32.9K)
  2. 2024年1月13日 · Automatically detect your location, provide practical information such as temperature, humidity, hourly rainfall, sunrise and sunset, air quality, ultraviolet index, environmental radiation value, hourly forecast, one-week weather, weather assistant, etc. Weather conditions. There are 368 townships, towns and cities in Taiwan free to choose.

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  3. Windy (也稱為Windyty) 是一種用於視覺化天氣預報的卓越工具。. 這個快速,直觀,詳細和最準確的天氣應用軟體受到專業飛行員,飛行傘,跳傘運動員,風帆衝浪者,衝浪者,划船者,漁民,風暴追逐者和脫口秀節目weather geeks,甚至政府,軍隊和救援隊的信任 ...

    • (710.3K)
  4. 保護您和您的家人免受地震大雨和海嘯的侵害透過雅虎防災新聞您可以快速接收有關您目前位置和您設定的三個區域的災害資訊

  5. 当发布海啸警告或警报时您也会收到通知以便您可以尽快采取疏散行动。 *对于震中附近的地区,地震预警可能无法及时发布。 ・针对突然下雨的对策

    • (32.9K)
  6. 2024年4月15日 · Windy lets you display observed wind and temperature, forecasted weather, airports around the World, collection of 55 000 weather webcams and 1500+ paragliding spots right on the map. Fully customizable. Add your favorite weather maps to quick menu, customize color palette on any layer, access advanced options in the settings.

  7. 2024年3月18日 · For over 10 years, the AccuWeather app has brought you the weather. Whether you're on the East Coast, Pacific Northwest, Southern Coast, or West Coast this free weather app can show you snow, wind, cold, rain and more! Stay prepared with our local weather and live forecasts. From extreme humidity, severe storms, allergy info, air quality index ...