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  1. 1 Introduction 1.1 Introductory Articles 2 Sister Organizations 3 Citations 3.1 On P2P dialogue across the political spectrum 4 Key Movements 4.1 The 'Open' Paradigm 4.1.1 Key Movements supporting the Open paradigm Open Education

  2. Embracing marketization, social protection, and emancipation, the triple movement is designed to map the collision of those three political projects, each of which remains salient today. Thus, this figure will form the core of a new, quasi-Polanyian perspective that can clarify capitalist crisis in the 21st century." Source: Marketization ...

  3. * Article / Report: Commitment Pooling - An Economic Protocol Inspired by Ancestral Wisdom. By William O. Ruddick - Founder of Grassroots Economics Foundation, 2024 URL = () "a protocol that GrE is developing for resource coordination. The paper theorizes ...

  4. Co-governance thus entails the development of non-centralized rules and institutions pertaining to the major questions of access, control, use and distribution of the wealth generated on a commons. These activities evolve out of the shared meaning and values of the stakeholders who depend upon a resource for their survival and well being.

    • Description
    • Characteristics
    • How It Works

    Sean McDonald: "Civic Trusts are that model (to 'define, protect, and evolve our basic rights in digital spaces'). They create a trustee organization that owns the underlying code and data generated by a technology and licenses it to a for-profit company that commercializes it. What makes Civic Trusts different from normal trusts is that both Civic...

    Sean McDonald: There are three core ways Civic Trusts are unique: (1) their missions are to define and support the implementation of systems of public participation in decisions about user and contributor rights; (2) the trustee organization itself must develop public participation models for its core governance decisions; and (3) civic trusts can ...

    "A trust has five elements — a grantor, a beneficiary, a trustee, an asset, and a purpose. On the simplest level, a grantor gives an asset to a trustee in order to ensure that it fulfills a purpose that is valuable to the beneficiary. People can use trusts as a way to make sure that the resources they’ve built continue to fulfill their original int...

  5. Monocapitalism: capitalism designed to grow and concentrate one form of vital capital – financial capital – very often at the expense of the ongoing viability of other capitals; Multicapitalism: capitalism designed to maintain the carrying capacities of all vital capitals (natural, human, social, intellectual, constructed, and financial ...

  6. Description. Anouk Ruhaak: "Collective consent describes those cases that sit between the realms of government regulation and individual consent. Imagine, for instance, a group of patients with a specific type of cancer. They would like to make their data available for research, but are afraid the data may fall into the wrong hands (‘wrong ...

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