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  1. 2012年3月18日 · 1 A Typology of Co-Creation. 1.1 Club of experts. 1.2 Crowd of People. 1.3 Coalition of Parties. 1.4 Community of kindred spirits.

  2. Description Can we Define a Fourth Order System? Fourth Order Cybernetics considers what happens when a system redefines itself. It focuses on the integration of a system within its larger, co-defining context. * The 4th Order system is contextualised, embedded ...

  3. Jan Krikke: "In the early 1960s, Lawrence Taub dropped out of Harvard Law School to go “on the road.”. He lived in Scandanavia and France before making his way to India. In Bihar State, he attended a lecture at Sarkar’s Ananda Marga Center, where he first heard about the orthodox version of the Varna prophecy.

  4. 2019年8月24日 · Enspiral Website - lots of good stuff in every section, links to articles and video content, etc. Enspiral Blog (on Medium) is regularly updated Open Enspiral - a series of short video presentations from different Enspiral Ventures, which we did as part of the Open Source // Open Society conference (which I organised earlier this year) - good way to get a sense of the people and diversity of ...

  5. Transparency. Open communication to stakeholders is no longer optional, as organizations become naked. Sharing. Giving up intellectual property, including putting ideas into the commons, is a massive source of value creation. Empowerment. Knowledge and intelligence is power, so as they are distributed, we gain freedom. Don says in describing ...

  6. These six facets of spimes are: 1. Small, inexpensive means of remotely and uniquely identifying objects over short ranges; in other words, radio-frequency identification. 2. A mechanism to precisely locate something on Earth, such as a global-positioning system. 3.

  7. The Fourth Turning is a Crisis —a decisive era of secular upheaval, when the values regime propels the replacement of the old civic order with a new one. Old Artists disappear, Prophets enter elderhood, Nomads enter midlife, Heroes enter young adulthood—and a new generation of child Artists is born. Like the four seasons of nature, the four ...