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  1. 2017年11月15日 · 好處1/調控胰島素分泌:根據2017年9月刊登於《臨床內分泌與代謝(J Clin Endocrinol Metab)》雜誌中,針對第二性糖尿病患者所進行的研究發現,每天 ...

  2. 2024年4月10日 · The Best Vitamin for Heart Health, According to a Cardiologist. Vitamin D. "Vitamin D plays a role in regulating blood pressure, inflammation and vascular function," Dr. Serwer explains. Yet,...


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  4. 2024年3月14日 · Vitamin D and calcium supplements appear to lower cancer risk. While the combo may also lead to more heart issues, the researcher says she decided it's worth it for her. News

    • Hilary Brueck
    • 12 分鐘
  5. 2024年3月2日 · Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium, which is important for maintaining strong bones and decreasing inflammation. Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with a range of health...

    • 5 分鐘
    • Serafina Kenny
  6. Yahoo Mail is one of the most popular and reliable email services in the world. You can sign in or out of your account from any device, access a variety of Yahoo services, and enjoy features like ...

  7. 2024年3月22日 · If left untreated, the infection can spread and symptoms may worsen, resulting in arthritis, bone and joint pain, additional rashes, inflammation of the brain and spinal cord and facial palsy (one ...

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