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  1. Now Maxis is putting together a real-life counterpart in the form of an Alexa app – sorry, ‘skill’ – which will offer Sims trivia, play music from the series soundtrack, or give you a ...

    • What Is Dota 2?
    • Dota 2 Map
    • Dota 2 Creeps
    • Dota 2 Heroes
    • Phases of A Dota 2 Match
    • Dota 2 Items

    Dota 2 is an online multiplayer gamewhere you and four teammates choose from a roster of different heroes and, over the course of each match, gradually grow in strength and power until you’re strong enough to take down the enemy team’s Ancient – the glowing building in their home base. Of course, the opposing team has their eye on your Ancient, too...

    The Dota 2 map is divided into two sides, Radiant and Dire. Radiant is on the left, and it’s a verdant, idyllic paradise. Over the river that runs diagonally from top left to bottom right, you’ll find the Direlands on the right side of the map, all covered in bugs and stuff. The map is also split into three lanes – top, middle, and bottom. The area...

    Creeps – non-hero units – are the main source of gold and experience in the game. When a creep dies, it gives experience to its nearby enemies. Crucially, you only get gold from the creep if you deliver the killing blow, otherwise known as the last hit. You have to watch the health bar carefully and eyeball the exact moment to thwack the creep so y...

    The vast number of available heroes is what ensures every single game of Dota 2 presents a unique challenge. Certain heroes are natural counters to other heroes, and certain heroes are more suited to particular playstyles. You’ve got melee, ranged, heroes that do high damage with their right-click, and heroes that use spells to devastating effect. ...

    Early Game

    The start of the game is called the laning phase– basically, everyone goes to their assigned lanes, and attempts to secure or deny last-hits on the creeps as they clash together. In each lane, it’s important to focus on last-hitting the creeps over anything else, unless you’re a support, in which case your job is to help out with denying creeps, and to attack the enemies as they try to last hit – this is called ‘harassing’. Any kills you can secure here are great, but they’re not the primary...

    Mid Game

    This is where heroes begin to leave their lanes and move around the map, adjusting to how their respective lanes have panned out. Your carry and mid will hopefully have a few items, and a few towers will probably have been destroyed. What happens here is very dependent on what kind of heroes you and the other team have – you might push aggressively, look for fights, or decide to farm more items.

    Late Game

    The late game is when your cores are ready to fight, after farming their big items. There’s a lot of teamfighting, and the focus is on major objectives, like taking the final buildings or Roshan.

    Items are bought from the Base Shop or the Secret Shop. Items must be in one of your six Inventory slots to be active or usable, but you also have a Backpack, with three slots for inactive items; you can swap these in whenever you like, but there is a cooldown before you can use them. You also have a Stashback in the base, which has six slots – ite...

  2. 2021年12月16日 · This Civilization 6 guide is chock full of tips and tutorials to help you get started in the 4X strategy game. Even all these years after release, a Civilization VI strategy guide is always handy ...

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  3. 2014年5月20日 · The Kotoba Miners Minecraft server started out life as a local, LAN-based world for York’s Japanese students to learn English, but has now become the opposite, with English speakers turning up ...

  4. 2024年2月15日 · Forge of Empires. Forge of Empires takes elements from the Civ and Age of Empires series and mixes them to create one of the PC’s best free online games, with no download required. You start in ...

  5. All the latest PC gaming news, plus guides and reviews for the biggest games

  6. 2023年5月15日 · World of Tanks. Minecraft: Education Mode. Assassin's Creed Discovery Tours. Kerbal Space Program. The Typing of the Dead: Overkill. Roblox. Zoombinis. Sonic's Schoolhouse. Play for free.

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