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  1. 線上英文課程 相關

  2. 不用挑補習班、不用接送,還可跳脫團課尷尬環境!真人外師一對一互動,讓孩子在家安心學、自信說. 外師超強引導力,輕鬆激起孩子學英文興趣!多元主題+沈浸式互動,讓孩子不知不覺愛上學英文

  3. 僱員再培訓局(ERB)兼讀制課程,沒有收入或每月收入不足$14,000可免學費。 課程內容教授日常基本英語應用,包括自我介紹、數字、時間、食物、一般個人資料等。


  1. Geeks Without Bounds - P2P Foundation. Geeks Without Bounds (GWOB) supports humanitarian open source projects through a combination of hackathons and an accelerator program which takes promising projects through six months of mentorship towards sustainability.

    • Description
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    1. Gideon Kossoff: "Cosmopolitan Localism is the theory and practice of inter-regionaland planet-wide net-working between place-based communities who share knowledge, technology, and re-sources. It offers a timely and powerful alternative to globalization: the planet-wide process through which human affairs –in particular, economies– become interco...

    Gideon Kossoff: "Cosmopolitan Localism was first articulated in the 1990s (Sachs, 1999). It can be under-stood as an expression of the socially and politically radical spirit of the previous decades, but since that time the concept has been explored only sporadically. This paper argues that Cosmopolitan Localism can be advanced through the integrati...

    Ezio Manzini: "In the framework of the multi-local society the dominant ideas of “global” and “local”, and the ones of “large” and “small” are challenged. In fact, for its nature the multi-local society is an highly connected world. And, in this kind of world, the small is not small: it is instead (or it can be instead) a knot in a network (the rea...

  2. These platforms would be collective tools of social innovation, to design new visions of sustainable societies and environmentally sound solutions. Concrete examples of technical functionalities would include: - accessing real-time and easily understandable information on resource consumption. - comparing individual lifestyles against some ...

  3. English Views Read View source View history More Key Projects Commons Transition Open Cooperativism P2P Foundation Wiki Homepage International Blog [EN] French Language [FR] Mailing List Navigation Multi-Category Search Recent changes Help ...

  4. Description. "“Embedded knowledge: is knowledge which resides in systemic routines. The notion of 'embeddedness' was introduced by Granovetter (1985), who proposed a theory of economic action that, he intended, would neither be heavily dependent on the notion of culture (i.e. be 'oversocialized') nor heavily dependent on theories of the ...

  5. 2014年6月10日 · Guerrilla Translation is a collaborative hub for authors and translators to network and share stimulating ideas internationally. Our aim is to model a cooperative form of global idea-sharing, by enabling a platform and method for opening dialogues.

  6. 2020年10月10日 · One Earth presents a novel biogeographical framework called Bioregions 2020, which builds upon the world’s 846 terrestrial ecoregional divisions (Dinerstein et al. 2017) to delineate 184 discreet bioregions. Two years in development, with input from an array of field scientists, conservation experts, and geographers, the Bioregions 2020 ...

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