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  1. 線性馬達 控制 相關

  2. 業界好評,專營各式加壓幫浦設備,機型齊全完善,穩定性高、適用性廣,品質保障。 小至單機作業,大至系統機器,設計施工及維修保養,採一貫作業。


  1. › wiki › Linear_motorLinear motor - Wikipedia

    Linear motor. Free-body diagram of a U-channel synchronous linear motor. The view is perpendicular to the channel axis. The two coils at centre are mechanically connected, and are energized in "quadrature" (meaning a phase difference of 90° (π/2 radians) between the flux of the magnets and the flux of the coils).

  2. A linear induction motor ( LIM) is an alternating current (AC), asynchronous linear motor that works by the same general principles as other induction motors but is typically designed to directly produce motion in a straight line. Characteristically, linear induction motors have a finite primary or secondary length, which generates end-effects ...

  3. A proportional–integral–derivative controller ( PID controller or three-term controller) is a control loop mechanism employing feedback that is widely used in industrial control systems and a variety of other applications requiring continuously modulated control.

  4. Motor control is the regulation of movements in organisms that possess a nervous system. Motor control includes conscious voluntary movements, subconscious muscle memory and involuntary reflexes,[1] as well as instinctual taxis. To control movement, the nervous system must integrate multimodal sensory information (both from the external world ...

  5. Linear regulator. In electronics, a linear regulator is a voltage regulator used to maintain a steady voltage. [1] The resistance of the regulator varies in accordance with both the input voltage and the load, resulting in a constant voltage output. The regulating circuit varies its resistance, continuously adjusting a voltage divider network ...

  6. Maxwell's equations, or Maxwell–Heaviside equations, are a set of coupled partial differential equations that, together with the Lorentz force law, form the foundation of classical electromagnetism, classical optics, electric and magnetic circuits. The equations provide a mathematical model for electric, optical, and radio technologies, such ...

  7. In a multiple linear regression model = + + + +, parameter of predictor variable represents the individual effect of .It has an interpretation as the expected change in the response variable when increases by one unit with other predictor variables held constant. When is strongly correlated with other predictor variables, it is improbable that can increase by one unit with other variables held ...