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  1. 2011年6月20日 · 1. Isaac Mao: "Sharism (分享主义 in Chinese) is about sharing, for sure. It means a tendency of sharing your works (everything) to be used by your social network (or public domain), but still keep your right and property based on your consensus. It's really not strange concept especiall after blogging and web 2.0 stuffsemerged for years.

  2. San Pisith is a Buddhist Monk and an Early Stage Researcher at Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance. He has joined the Cosmolocalism project since September 2019 to pursue a Ph.D. at TalTech, Estonia. His Ph.D. thesis focuses on Buddhist Economics, Buddhist Governance, Commons, and Happiness and Public Purpose.

  3. 2020年12月17日 · PatternDynamics is a simple tool that can be learned by anyone to overcome the challenges posed by complex systems–at any scale. Here’s how it works: The key to complexity is systems thinking; The key to systems thinking is Patterns; and, The key to using Patterns is to form them into a language. Winton’s language of visual patterns to ...

  4. 2011年12月25日 · Incas. From the Wikipedia: "The term 'ayllu' refers to a grouping of indigenous people of South America and has been translated as clan. The term represents a group based on assumed blood-ties which operates as an economic and social unit. The Inca Empire was essentially a number of Andean ayllus controlled by a few Inca ayllus.

  5. 2020年11月25日 · Helen Pluckrose: "Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt described this entire method as a form of reverse Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT teaches people not to catastrophize and not to read negative meanings into everything. This decreases anxiety and improves one’s functioning in the world. Applied Post-modernism trains people to do precisely ...

  6. He is controversial about some topics. In general though, he has a theme about abundance and self-reliance and peer networks in some of his books, like "Voyage from Yesteryear". That specific book has a lot of peer-to-peer themes. He later said maybe he went too far with it, but in any case, it is a picture of our current society in collission ...

  7. * Chapter: The Well-Field System in Relation to the Asiatic Mode of Production. By Zhao Lisheng; in the Book: The Asiatic Mode of Production in China. Routledge ...