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    擁有25間門市,銷售除臭襪、air+好感循環褲、超級無敵傘、AMPM早晚安瓶等自有商品. 投入台灣研發、製造紡織品10年,成功外銷日本,在台灣各大百貨、賣場


  1. The goal—especially in the modern complex and fast-changing environment—is to transition out of our current crisis in economy and environment towards a society that is both knowledge-based and sustainable. The four keywords so central to SLOC—small, local, open and connected—are meaningful because they are, at the same time, visionary ...

  2. Text. Ronald Logan: "A century has passed since Kropotkin challenged the British evolutionists. How has a hundred years of accumulated scientific knowledge influenced the debate over fierce competition versus mutual cooperation as the primary mechanism of species survival?

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