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  1. Join the largest board game community online. Discover new games rate and review them and share your passion with others.

  2. Sails of Glory. American Revolutionary War games have storylines set during the American War of Independence, 1775-1783. Most American Revolutionary War games are also categorized as Wargames. Historical categories on BGG: Ancient Medieval Renaissance Pike and Shot Age of Reason Napoleonic Post-Napoleonic World War I World War II Korean War ...

  3. 16. Too Many Bones: Undertow (2018) Songstress Stanza & stealthy Duster board a raft & chuck gobs of dice on the Sibron. 7.843. 8.69. 3274. 17. Kingdom Death: Monster (2015) Try to survive in a nightmarish world that lies under eternal darkness.

  4. 2015剛開始,不知道大家有沒有許下新年新希望咧?身爲桌遊玩家,尤其是有松鼠病*的桌遊玩家兼收藏(堆貨)家,是不是也會期許新的一年可以玩到更多新遊戲呢?BGG網站上面其實也有很多(松鼠病)玩家對自己過度收藏但是低度開盒的狀況深感煩惱,所以紛紛訂下年度遊戲目標,希望透過「公開透明 ...