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  1. Abstract. "Three models of democratic economic planning — Devine and Adaman's Negotiated Coordination, Albert and Hahnel's Participatory Economics, and. Cockshott and Cottrell's Computerized Central Planning — have important implications for the wider perspective of ecological economics.

  2. 2016年6月20日 · On the one hand, markets can be “embedded,” enmeshed in non-economic institutions and subject to non-economic norms, such as “the just price” and “the fair wage.”. On the other hand, markets can be “disembedded,” freed from extra-economic controls and governed immanently, by supply and demand.

  3. “Today’s global monetary ecosystem is significantly overshooting the optimal balance, or the Window of Viability,” Lietaer tells us, “because of its exclusive emphasis on efficiency.

  4. By Douglas Spencer: (in Radical Philosophy 2.01) "Bernard Stiegler’s Automatic Society: The Future of Work, the first volume in a projected series, is addressed to the implications of this turn to automation; concerned with the disappearance of work (or at least of ‘employment’), but also with other, and equally troubling, consequences of ...

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    “'Cognitive capitalism' is the mode in which capitalism perpetuates itself when its categories have lost their relevance, it perpetuates itself by employing an abundant resource, human intelligence, to produce scarcity. This production of scarcity in a situation of potential abundance consists in erecting obstacles to the circulation and pooling of knowledge. " - Andre Gorz, L'Immateriel, p. ?


    This interpretation stresses that we are in a third phase of capitalism, where the accumulation is centered on immaterial assets.It follows the earlier phases of mercantile and industrial capitalism. Cognitive capitalism theorists believe that it is centered around the accumulation of immaterial assets, especially related to the information core of products, which are protected through Intellectual Property Rights, i.e. legal means such as patents. These patents, as they are used by brands, i...


    Summarized by Ed Emery: "We can offer the following elements towards a definition of cognitivecapitalism: (a) The production of wealth is no longer based solely and exclusively on material production but is based increasingly on immaterial elements, in other words on raw materials that are intangible and difficult to measure and quantify, deriving directly from employment of the relational, affectiveand cerebral faculties of human beings. (b) The production of wealth is no longer based on a s...

    * Book: Cognitive Capitalism. By Yann Moulier-Boutang. Polity Press, 2012. URL = "We live in a time of transition, argues Yann Moulier Boutang. But the irony is that this is not a transition to a new type of society called ‘socialism’, as many on the Left had assum...

    Check of P2P Foundation blog archivefor more articles on cognitive capitalism.
    Self-organisation and cooperation in cognitive capitalism, special issue of Solaris magazine, at ,
    A critique of the thesis by Siliva Federici and George Caffentzis, at

    The theory of cognitive capitalism has its roots in mostly French and Italian thinkers. Therefore, we are able to present a number of specific books in French, but English books on the subject are less precise in regard of this concept. Book in progress by Adam Arvidsson: The Ethical Economy Book Project Jeremy Rifkin. [The Age of Access: The New C...

  5. Embracing marketization, social protection, and emancipation, the triple movement is designed to map the collision of those three political projects, each of which remains salient today. Thus, this figure will form the core of a new, quasi-Polanyian perspective that can clarify capitalist crisis in the 21st century."

  6. Double Movement. = concept in Karl Polany's book Great Transformation, which stresses a pendulum in capitalist history between periods in which the market forces disembed themselves from society, creating dislocation, and counter-movements in which people and nation-state re-embed market functions.

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