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  1. 美國小費文化失控,究竟怎麼了? (How Tipping Culture Took Over the U.S. | WSJ) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. I'm purchasing an office chair online and they're asking me if I want to leave a tip. 我在網上買了一把辦公椅,他們問我要不要給小費。 25%, 20%, 18% tip for what? 25%、20%、18% 的小費給什麼? Tipping culture has gone way too far. 小費文化已經走火入魔了。 Nowadays, you're asked for a tip nearly everywhere.

  2. Mexico's Peso has weakened back to 21 to the dollar. 而墨西哥披索則至 21:1 美元. The question for investors is whether the rotation that we've seen between bonds, yen, the dollars and equities has a lot further room to run. 投資者該思考的是,在債券、日幣、美元和股票於未來是否還有發展的空間. 債券市場動盪不安|市場一分鐘 (Bond markets in turmoil | Market Minute) 29 1. Sabrina Hsu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日. 分享.

  3. Watch on. 影片播放. There's a chart I saw recently that I can't get out of my head. 最近有一份圖表令我難忘。 A Harvard business professor and economist asked more than five thousand Americans: how they thought wealth was distributed in the United States. 一位哈佛教授兼經濟學者訪問了 5000 多位美國人關於他們所認為的美國財富分布為何。 This is what they said they thought it was: 這是他們的認知:

  4. 在國內層面,聯儲已經開始提高利率。 The idea is that when the Fed raises rates , it makes it more expensive to borrow money , which means less spending and less demand . 其想法是,當聯儲提高利率,會使得借錢的成本增加,這意味著支出和需求都減少。

  5. 在製作今天的節目同時我們從美國德州收到一個悲慘的消息。. There was a shooting Tuesday in the city of Uvalde; it happened at an elementary school. 星期二在德州尤瓦爾迪的一間小學發生了一起槍擊事件。. Officials say at least 18 students and 2 adults were killed and that the suspected shooter is ...

  6. 我很遺憾地宣佈,我們此刻正處於經濟蕭條之後,最嚴重的經濟亂象。 It is very difficult to get inflation under control without severely denting economic activity . 要在不嚴重衝擊經濟活動的狀況下控制通膨是非常困難的。

  7. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學 ...

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