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  1. We just got the two new zoo maps, but have a question about the Rescue Station. It states "if the discarded card is an aninal card". "Digging" means either discarding one card from the display or from the hand, and then replenish by drawing one from the deck. Isn't

  2. Dwellings of Eldervale is an epic worker placement game set in a once lost magical world. Giant elemental monsters roam while dragons, wizards and warriors battle for dominance over 8 elemental realms. Players control unique factions seeking to adventure, battle, grow in power and ultimately dwell Eldervale, shaping it to their vision.

    • (6.9K)
  3. Through the Ages is a civilization building game. Each player attempts to build the best civilization through careful resource management, discovering new technologies, electing the right leaders, building wonders and maintaining a strong military. Weakness in any area can be exploited by your opponents. The game takes place throughout the ages ...

  4. Join the largest board game community online. Discover new games rate and review them and share your passion with others.

  5. 2020年1月17日 · I feel ya. I enjoy this game, but understanding the rules was a labor of love for me. I think I played it exclusively for about 3 weeks, almost every day, when I first got it, just trying to get it all down. When I finally did, it was a thing of beauty (but I'm a slow learner sometimes when it comes to games )

  6. You've made it to El Dorado, now the jewels and riches are almost in your grasp. In The Quest for El Dorado: The Golden Temples, which can be played as a standalone game or combined with 2017's The Quest for El Dorado, players have now reached the legendary city of gold and they have started to explore it.

  7. Born in Lisbon, Vital Lacerda has a masters degree in Marketing and Advertising. After working in advertising agencies for almost 15 years as an art director, and later as the creative director of his own agency, he decided to try his luck as a freelance graphic designer in 2006. Boardgame design is his greatest and most loved passion.

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