Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Christen C. Raunkiær. Christen Christensen Raunkiær (29 March 1860 – 11 March 1938) was a Danish botanist, who was a pioneer of plant ecology. He is mainly remembered for his scheme of plant strategies to survive an unfavourable season ("life forms") and his demonstration that the relative abundance of strategies in floras largely ...

  2. About: List of kigo. This is a list of kigo, which are words or phrases that are associated with a particular season in Japanese poetry. They provide an economy of expression that is especially valuable in the very short haiku, as well as the longer linked-verse forms renku and renga, to indicate the season referenced in the poem or stanza.

  3. A degenerate semiconductor is a semiconductor with such a high level of doping that the material starts to act more like a metal than as a semiconductor. Unlike non-degenerate semiconductors, these kind of semiconductor do not obey law of mass action, which relates intrinsic carrier concentration with temperature and bandgap. Another well known example is indium tin oxide. Because its plasma ...

  4. Property Value dbo:abstract 日本の農道一覧(にほんののうどういちらん)は、日本の農道の一覧である。比較的広域な交通動線をもつ広域農道、農免農道、富山県ではスーパー農道を一覧する。 (ja) 日本の農道一覧(にほんののうどういちらん)は、日本の農道の一覧である。

  5. › page › 統一企業About: 統一企業

    統一企業股份有限公司(日本語:とういつきぎょう 英語:Uni-President Enterprises Corporation 略称:統一企業、統一集団)は、台湾(中華民国)の食品製造・食品加工・流通・小売などのグループ企業。台湾国内の食品関連企業・流通企業では最大手。総本部を台南市永康区に置く。1987年12月28日に ...

  6. 平成新修旧華族家系大成(へいせいしんしゅうきゅうかぞくかけいたいせい)は、1996年に霞会館から発行された、華族令による華族(公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵、男爵)全1011家の系図を載せた書籍。. 上下2巻。. Property. Value. dbo: abstract. 平成新修旧華族家系 ...

  7. Hainuwele, "The Coconut Girl", is a figure from the Wemale and Alune folklore of the island of Seram in the Maluku Islands, Indonesia. Her story is an origin myth. The myth of Hainuwele was recorded by German ethnologist Adolf E. Jensen following the Frobenius Institute's 1937–8 expedition to the Maluku Islands. The study of this myth during his research on religious sacrifice led Jensen to ...