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  1. 影片播放. This strait is called the Barra Mandab, meaning the gate of tears. 這條海峽被稱為 "巴拉曼達布",意思是眼淚之門。 Vessels have to go through the passage to get to the Suez Canal, which handles about 12% of world trade and is a major maritime choke point. 船隻必須通過這條通道才能到達蘇伊士運河,蘇伊士運河的貿易量約佔世界貿易量的 12%,是一個主要的海上咽喉。

  2. Watch on. 影片播放. By now, many of us have taken low cost or budget airline flights that park up far from the terminal. 我們之中應該有很多人在搭乘廉價航空班機時,發現飛機被到離航廈很遠的地方。 Even if they park at an airport gate, they may will not use the installed jet bridge. 就算他們到了登機門旁邊,卻仍然還是不會接上空橋。 As with many things in the low cost world. 對於處處要省錢的許多其他東西一樣,

  3. While there were 0.8% more flights in January 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, 雖然2020年1月與2019年同期相比增加了0.8%的班機。. that number plunged by more than 65% year-on-year in June. 該數字在6月份同比大超過65%。. The ability of airlines to operate really depends on whether the health authorities ...

  4. 首先,我們來看看整個場景。 The machine didn't recognize my passport. 機器不認得我的護照。 I can help. Where are you flying to today? 我可以幫你你今天飛去哪裡? -Recife -Rio. -累西腓 -里約. We're flying to Rio and then we have a connecting flight to Recife. 我們要飛往裡約,然後轉機去累西腓。 What are you looking for? 你在找什麼? My reading glasses. 我的閱讀眼鏡。 They're on your head. 他們在你的頭上。 I had a bottle of water.

  5. Here's what this is all about: Inflation, simply put, is when prices go up and your money doesn't buy as much furniture, airplane tickets, used cars, rent, personal care items like soap. 簡而言之,通貨膨脹是指價格上漲,而你的錢卻不能買到一樣多的家具、飛機票、二手車、租金、像是肥皂那類 ...

  6. The Arctic is melting faster than anyone predicted. 北極的融化速度比任何人預測的都要快。. Climate change is here, and this affects us all. 氣候變化已經來臨,這影響到我們所有人。. It's time to stop and think, not go up there and drill for more oil. 是時候下來思考了,而不是上去鑽更多的 ...

  7. 用電影、音樂、脫口秀影片. 輕鬆聽懂英語、說好英文. 超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!. 上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。. 是最適合華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的學習方法和工具。.