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  1. 艾草蚊香 相關

  2. 最怕半夜開燈打蚊子,艾草檜木蚊香,淡淡草本香氣,不怕臭味熏天,一盒可用160小時,日日都好眠. 點蚊香,可以不用忍受刺鼻味。艾草檜木蚊香,釋放大自然原味,天然檜木粉、艾草粉製,0臭味干擾


  1. 2024年3月28日 · TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A customer who died after they ate at Taipei vegetarian restaurant Polam Kopitiam was infected with the toxin bongkrek acid, marking the first instance ever recorded in Taiwan. The news was confirmed by the health ministry on Thursday evening (March 28) during a press conference, per CNA.

  2. 2024年3月28日 · Keoni Everington. Taiwan News, Staff Writer. 7691. TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Ministry of Health and Welfare on Thursday (March 28) said four more people have reported feeling ill after dining at a Taipei eatery, bringing the total number of people suspected of food poisoning to 17, two of whom have died.

  3. 2024年3月31日 · 5651. TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The number of people who became sick after eating at Taipei vegetarian restaurant Polam Kopitiam has risen to 30 after two more cases were reported on Sunday (March 31).

  4. 2024年3月30日 · TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Taipei City said it would inspect 37 food courts at shopping malls and department stores as the number of people affected by bongkrek acid poisoning rose to 28 Saturday (March 30). Two people died after having eaten at a Malaysian vegetarian restaurant in the popular Xinyi District, while five were in intensive care.

  5. 2024年4月19日 · 176. 中國商務部發布公告,對原產於台灣的進口聚碳酸酯(PC)進行的反傾銷調查結果出爐,最終裁定調查產品存在傾銷,中國聚碳酸酯產業受到實質損害,且傾銷與實質損害之間存在因果關係,因此將自4月20日起對調查產品徵收反傾銷稅。 綜合媒體報導,聚碳酸酯為「海峽兩岸經濟合作框架協定」(ECFA)早收清單小項之一。 在2024年台灣總統大選前夕,中國方面對台進行施壓,ECFA項目終止為其中一項手段。 中國商務部於2022年11月30日便宣布立案,對台灣銷往中國的聚碳酸酯展開反傾銷調查。 經過一年多的調查,最終認定被調查產品存在傾銷,且傾銷與實質損害之間存在因果關係。 公告說明,進口業者在進口被調查產品時,應向中華人民共和國海關繳納相應的反傾銷稅。 反傾銷稅以海關審定的完稅價格從價計徵。

  6. 2023年1月10日 · (台灣英文新聞/醫藥組 綜合整理報導)美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)本月6日批准一款阿茲海默症藥物「Lecanemab」(美國上市藥品名:Leqembi),消息一出獲得國際上高度關注。 對此,台灣多位專家雖抱持著審慎樂觀的態度,但也坦言,確實的療效和副作用,還待真正上巿在臨床使用一段時間後才能證實。 「Lecanemab」為百健(Biogen)藥廠與日本衛采(Eisai)藥廠合作開發的新阿茲海默症藥物。

  7. 2024年3月14日 · TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The annual Zhuzihu Calla Lily Festiva commenced on Thursday (March 14), coinciding with White Valentine’s Day. Located amid the picturesque landscapes of Yangmingshan in Taipei, the festival unfolds across the Zhuzihu area, where calla lilies bloom abundantly from March to April.

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