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  1. Dymaxion map of the world with the 30 largest countries and territories by area This is a list of the world's countries and their dependencies by land, water, and total area, ranked by total area.Entries in this list include, but are not limited to, those in the ISO 3166-1 standard, which includes sovereign states and dependent territories.

  2. We Were The Lucky Ones is an American historical drama miniseries for Hulu that premiered on March 28, 2024. It is an adaptation of the 2017 book of the same name by Georgia Hunter, inspired by the story of her own family. It depicts the Holocaust from the perspective of the Kurc family, Polish Jews. The story centers on siblings played by ...

    • Etymology
    • Monetisation
    • Technological Capacity
    • ICT Development Index
    • The WSIS Process and ICT Development Goals
    • In Education
    • In Health Care
    • In Science
    • Models of Access to ICT
    • Environmental Impact of Icts

    The phrase "information and communication technologies" has been used by academic researchers since the 1980s. The abbreviation "ICT" became popular after it was used in a report to the UK government by Dennis Stevenson in 1997, and then in the revised National Curriculum for England, Wales and Northern Ireland in 2000. However, in 2012, the Royal ...

    The money spent on IT worldwide has been estimated as US$3.8 trillion in 2017 and has been growing at less than 5% per year since 2009. The estimate 2018 growth of the entire ICT is 5%. The biggest growth of 16% is expected in the area of new technologies (IoT, Robotics, AR/VR, and AI). The 2014 IT budget of the US federal government was nearly $82...

    The world's technological capacity to store information grew from 2.6 (optimally compressed) exabytes in 1986 to 15.8 in 1993, over 54.5 in 2000, and to 295 (optimally compressed) exabytes in 2007, and some 5 zetta bytes in 2014. This is the informational equivalent to 1.25 stacks of CD-ROM from the earth to the moon in 2007, and the equivalent of ...

    The ICT Development Index ranks and compares the level of ICT use and access across the various countries around the world.In 2014 ITU (International Telecommunication Union) released the latest rankings of the IDI, with Denmark attaining the top spot, followed by South Korea. The top 30 countries in the rankings include most high-income countries ...

    On 21 December 2001, the United Nations General Assembly approved Resolution 56/183, endorsing the holding of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing today's information society. According to this resolution, the General Assembly related the Summit to the United Nations Millennium Declar...

    There is evidence that, to be effective in education, ICT must be fully integrated into the pedagogy. Specifically, when teaching literacy and math, using ICT in combination with Writing to Learn produces better results than traditional methods alone or ICT alone.The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), a divis...

    Applications of ICTs in science, research and development, and academia include: 1. Internet research 2. Online research methods 3. Science communicationand communication between scientists 4. Scholarly databases 5. Applied metascience

    Scholar Mark Warschauer defines a "models of access" framework for analyzing ICT accessibility. In the second chapter of his book, Technology and Social Inclusion: Rethinking the Digital Divide, he describes three models of access to ICTs: devices, conduits, and literacy. Devices and conduits are the most common descriptors for access to ICTs, but ...

    Progress during the century

    In the early 21st century a rapid development of ICT services and electronical devices took place, in which the internet servers multiplied by a factor of 1000 to 395 million and its still increasing. This increase can be explained by moores law, which states, that the development of ICT increases every year by 16-20%, so it will double in numbers every four to five years. Alongside this development and the high investments in increasing demand for ICT capable products, a high environmental i...


    To tackle the environmental issues of ICT, the EU commission plans proper monitoring and reporting of the GHGemissions of different ICT platforms, countries and infrastructure in general. Further the establishment of international norms for reporting and compliance are promoted to foster transparency in this sector. Moreover it is suggested by scientists to make more ICT investments to exploit the potentials of ICT to alleviate CO2-emissions in general, and to implement a more effective coord...

    In problem-solving

    ICTs could also be used to address environmental issues, including climate change, in various ways, including ways beyond education.

  3. Tracker is an American action drama television series created by Ben H. Winters based on The Never Game by Jeffery Deaver. [1] [2] The series stars Justin Hartley as Colter Shaw, a skilled survivalist and tracker who earns his living by assisting law enforcement and private citizens in exchange for reward money.

  4. The national flag of the United States (Spanish: Bandera Nacional de Estados Unidos), often referred to as the American flag or the U.S. flag, consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) alternating with white, with a blue rectangle in the canton, referred to as the union and bearing fifty small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows, where ...

  5. The Conversion of Mary Magdalene (c. 1548) by Paolo Veronese According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus exorcised "seven demons" from Mary Magdalene. That seven demons had possessed Mary is repeated in Mark 16:9, part of the "longer ending" of that gospel – this is not found in the earliest manuscripts and is possibly a second-century addition to the original text, possibly based on the Gospel ...