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  1. 但政府監管者想要的更多,特別是要求當有風險的投資出了差錯或是有不正當的行為出現時,能夠收回現金的權力。 As the EU rolls out the first law limiting payouts , bonuses of more than twice fixed salaries are banned ; debate rages over whether regulators should interfere with compensation .

  2. 花旗集團的歷史始於 1812 年,在當時創建了第一家國家城市銀行。. The bank grew rapidly after a series of mergers and acquisitions until it was renamed Citibank in 1976. 在一系列的併購後,該銀行迅速成長,直到 1976 年更名為花旗銀行。. The next 10 or 15 years, it becomes the biggest credit card ...

  3. The likes of Goldman, JPMorgan, and Morgan Stanley have survived the rise of the boutiques. 因受好評,高盛、摩根大通和摩根士丹利從精品投行的崛起中存活下來。. But for many other famed names in the world of banking, such as the European houses, the M&A game has become more difficult as the boutiques have risen. 但 ...

  4. Profits before tax is the measure often quoted by FT journalists. 金融時報的記者常說的利潤,指的是稅前利潤。. Sometimes to the irritation of big companies. 這種利潤常讓大企業感到懊惱。. A simple definition is sales minus operating costs and interest payments, plus a share of returns from partner companies ...

  5. 帶你深入了解銀行紅利的興起與衰退 (The Rise and Fall of Banker Bonuses) 10813 ... 台灣花旗走入歷史!全球花旗分行紛紛關閉:原因何在? (Why Citibank Branches Are Closing Around The World) 51542

  6. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學 ...

  7. 這些證券交易市場合起來,成為一個全球連結的市場。. 股票 證券 企業 交易 臉書 歐元. 上課啦!. 投資菜鳥一定要聽這堂股票速成班!. (How the Stock Exchange Works) 28637 545. ychiangm 發佈於 2023 年 07 月 06 日. 分享. 影片單字.

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