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  1. The King Is Dead is a board game of politics and power struggles set in Britain in the chaotic period following the death of King Arthur. For the good of the country, a leader must unite the Scots, Welsh, and Romano-British — not by conquest but by diplomacy. Players are members of King Arthur's court. Whether a loyal knight, a scheming lord ...

  2. Queendomino is a game completely independent from Kingdomino, while offering a choice of more complex challenges. Two to four players can play Queendomino independently, but also in connection with Kingdomino, allowing for games with 7x7 grids for four players, or for up to six players if you stick to 5x5 grids. Official Links.

    • (10.8K)
  3. For the Queen is a card-based story-building game that you and up to five other players can begin playing in minutes. Choose your queen from among fourteen gorgeously varied illustrations—or start from scratch—and use the prompt cards to collaboratively tell a story of love, betrayal, doubt, and devotion. —description from the publisher.

  4. Using enchanted crystals they create magical ornaments and the Queen pays for them with golden coins. The one to collect the most coins till the end of the competition is to become the next Queen’s advisor. In the abstract family game Winter Queen, you take on the roles of Winter Queen's sorcerers, creating magical ornaments out of enchanted ...

  5. 《迷你二戰》為一款適合2-4 位玩家的入門卡牌驅動戰爭遊戲玩家扮演第二次世界大戰期間德國英國日本蘇聯四大勢力的統帥必須使用策略牌來進行軍事作戰研發武器或執行事件來擊敗敵軍藉由擴張領土爭取外交和發展科技來獲得分數

  6. Spirit Island is a complex and thematic cooperative game about defending your island home from colonizing Invaders. Players are different spirits of the land, each with its own unique elemental powers. Every turn, players simultaneously choose which of their power cards to play, paying energy to do so.

  7. As a princess, you have to avoid marriage proposals and remain single and independent after the celebrations. Rebel Princess takes place over five rounds, representing the five days of a party, and each round has a special rule that makes each game totally different. The general mechanisms are those of trick-taking games, in which each player ...

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