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  1. 英國王室 相關

  2. 過去一個月已有 超過 1 萬 位使用者造訪過

    悠閒漫步高地湖區山林,認識英倫皇室優雅童話,風情萬千城堡,以遊船與火車方式體驗當地生活圈! 出遊最怕浪費時間在交通!團旅包套服務,免去自駕/轉乘困擾,專業導遊一手包辦,安全、便利滿分

  3. 過去一個月已有 超過 100 萬 位使用者造訪過

    立即預訂英國酒店,今日最抵優惠萬勿錯過! 我們全天候為你提供協助,出走都唔會注定一人!


  1. Modular expansion with customized setup, refreshed action costs, new goals and chance Alchemists: The King's Golem, an expansion to Alchemists, brings you a new logic puzzle with new rewards and consequences.Can you figure out how to animate a golem?

  2. Spirit Island is a complex and thematic cooperative game about defending your island home from colonizing Invaders. Players are different spirits of the land, each with its own unique elemental powers. Every turn, players simultaneously choose which of their power cards to play, paying energy to do so.

    • (50.1K)
  3. "Build me a castle! Build me a city worthy of my Queen!" Your King's wish is your command, so you decide to travel into the valley of Queensdale, collect raw materials, build buildings, and take fate into your own hands. Fame and fortune are sure to be yours — if only there weren't those other glory seekers who also followed the King's wishes! Act with courage and wisdom, and ...

  4. 《迷你二戰》為一款適合2-4 位玩家的入門卡牌驅動戰爭遊戲玩家扮演第二次世界大戰期間德國英國日本蘇聯四大勢力的統帥必須使用策略牌來進行軍事作戰研發武器或執行事件來擊敗敵軍藉由擴張領土爭取外交和發展科技來獲得分數

  5. Unravel mysteries in Arkham with your investigative team in this app-guided game. Compete to reconstruct the city of Lisboa after the great earthquake of 1755. Seafarers journey to obtain wealth and fame in the 17th century Caribbean. Lead your people, build monuments and make offerings to earn the favour of the gods.

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