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  1. Polly Wiessner: "Graeber and Wengrow struggle with the concept of egalitarianism, which they see as “sameness” in some specific ways that are agreed upon to be important (p. 126).However, egalitarian relations are not about sameness in small-scale societies, but rather about respect and appreciation of different skills offered by group ...

  2. In a standard dominance hierarchy--as can be seen in all of our ape relatives (yes, even in bonobos)--a few individuals dominate the many. In a system of reverse dominance, however, the many act in unison to deflate the ego of anyone who tries, even in an incipient way, to dominate them. According to Boehm, hunter-gatherers are continuously ...

  3. 2023年5月8日 · The Patmos circle was in the forefront of understanding the potential of speech to create common ground between diverse national, religious, and cultural discourses. The power of speech as revealed in the grammatical method proposed by Rosenstock-Huessy still remains an important key for intercultural cooperation, management, and dialogue.

  4. "Originally vTaiwan — v is for “virtual” — was used only for developing cyberpolicy (e.g. sharing economy apps, telework, crowdfunding, etc) but it is now being expanded into other domains. Over its two years of development, vTaiwan has matured into a four phase process with a set of methods that integrate technology, media, and facilitation:

  5. In an important post on JJB, Jay listed ten important comparisons between Chinese thought and process thought.[xxiii] Please click here. We know of no list of parallels that is as insightful and helpful as Prof. McDaniel’s list. Before you read any further, you ...

  6. "Meaningful correlations can be drawn between the levels Graves and Kegan describe at the individual scale and the cultural values espoused by whole populations. For over 30 years, the World Values Survey and European Values Survey have been carrying out hundreds of surveys in over 100 countries containing over 90% of the world’s population.

  7. The goal—especially in the modern complex and fast-changing environment—is to transition out of our current crisis in economy and environment towards a society that is both knowledge-based and sustainable. The four keywords so central to SLOC—small, local, open and connected—are meaningful because they are, at the same time, visionary ...