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  1. 葉黃素乾眼症 相關

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    BHK's晶澈葉黃素凍,富含6mg游離型葉黃素、高純度玻尿酸、智利酒果、維生素A、E,必備晶亮力。 BHK's晶澈葉黃素凍,每條游離型葉黃素6mg,玉米黃素1.2mg,守護晶亮舒適度,蜂蜜蘋果口味佳。

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  1. Description. "Taiwan’s civic hackers were organized around a leaderless collective called g0v (pronounced “gov zero.”) Many believed in radical transparency, in throwing opaque processes open to the light, and in the idea that everyone who is affected by a decision should have a say in it. They preferred establishing consensus to running ...

    • Definition
    • Related Definitions
    • History
    • Benefits
    • Typology
    • Examples
    • Discussion: Specific Difficulties of Open Hardware
    • Open Design
    • More Information

    Please note: "Is it "open hardware" or "open source hardware?" This distinction is still under discussion. The term open source corresponds directly to programmatic source code, which holds true for hardware designs described in languages like Verilog hardware description language (HDL), but not for designs that may be described only in computer-ai...

    Graham Seaman: "* Free Hardware Designrefers to a design which can be freely copied, distributed, modified, and manufactured. It does not imply that the design cannot also be sold, or that any hardware implementation of the design will be free of cost. All the same arguments about the meaning of 'freedom' between supporters of the Free Software Fou...

    1. "Von Hippel observes that open-source hardware actually predates open-source software by centuries: people have always shared blueprints and sketches for such things as furniture and machinery. But the visibility of the open-source-software community "has created a new awareness of what has long been the historical practice in hardware," he says...

    Summary on Why Open Hardware? By Patrick McNamara, Open Hardware Foundation, at§ion=Ar#A4: Lourens Veen who is on the board of directors for the Open Hardware Foundation or OHF summarized the answer to this question as follows: "Essentially, this is a problem of freedom. We users want to be free to use th...

    Four Categories of Openness

    Patrick McNamara, Open Hardware Foundation, at§ion=Ar#A4: "I believe hardware can be loosely placed into four categories of openness. They are, in order of least to most open: Closed, Open Interface, Open Design, and Open Implementation. Closed: Closed Hardwareis any hardware for which the creator of the hardware will not release information on how to make normal use of the hardware, in such a way that that information may be freely shared with othe...

    Differences between open hardware, free hardware, open hardware design

    By Graham Seaman, at "Many of the arguments over free hardware design consist of people from software and hardware backgrounds talking at cross-purposes. One cause of this is the simple fact that the word `software' refers both to source code and executables, while the words `hardware' and `hardware design' clearly refer to two different things. Using the word `hardware' as short-hand for both design and physical object is a recipe for confu...

    Three-stage Roadmap for Implementation

    Jamil Kathib: "The OpenHW road map can be divided into three main stages. If we can follow these stages we will have new industrial and technological revolution. Simple prototyping boards: A set of small generic prototyping boards can be designed to test small IP cores. The designers will use the available free tools which give lot of feedback to the EDA developers. Advanced boards and IP Cores: Designers will publish OpenHW cores and OpenSource software for the boards. The boards will be muc...

    This directory of projects is maintained in our entry on Product Hacking 1. Arduino, an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. 2. Aurora Mixer, an open-source (hardware and software) usb powered multichannel mixer. 3. Bug Labs, a programmable hardware device, The Bug, run on open source so...

    Problems and solutions of OpenHW

    "There are many problems facing designers and prevent them from following the OpenHW methodology. Cost of EDA tools: individuals can not afford commercial EDA tools. This makes OpenSW developers start developing free EDA tools such as gEDA and Alliance which enables OpenHW designers to work at home. Cost of manufacture: HW manufacturing is relatively expensive, so OpenHW designers can use simulation or programmable logic devices to check their designs. Design protection: no one in the world l...

    Pro: Graham Seaman

    By Graham Seaman, at An important comment about the difficulty of developping it, as compared to open source: "At first blush, the open source model doesn't necessarily seem like a good fit for physical objects. The reason comes down to replication: with open source software, I can give you a copy of (for example) Firefox without losing my own. With open source hardware, at present the best I can give you a copy of the instructions as to how...


    From "1. I think open software has been a good thing for the world, so I think open hardware is also good. 2. If closed IP makes a small amount of people a lot of money - does opening the IP make a moderate amount of money for a large amount of people?The latter seems a better outcome to me. It also suggests that open hardware benefits small companies more than large ones. 3. I think the specific benefit of open hardware is lower R&D costs. This is what is h...

    From the Wikipedia article at "Open Design is a term that applies to the investigation and potential of open source and the collaborative nature of the internet to create physical objects. People apply their skills and time to projects for the common good, perhaps where funding or commercial interest is lack...


    Trend review article by MIT's Technology Review at 1. Free Software and Free Hardware Designs, at Graham Seaman explains why hardware design should be as free as software code. 2. Free Hardware Design - Past, Present, Future, at 3. Richard Stallman, on Free Hardware, at 4. Business...


    1. Open Design Foundation 2. Open Hardware Foundation

    Reference Sites

    1. Appropedia 2. Instructables 3. Open Circuits, a wiki for sharing open source electronics knowledge, schematics, board layouts, ports and parts libraries 4. Open Cores, a loose collection of people who are interested in developing hardware, with a similar ethos to the free software movement" 5. Open Sustainability Network and its Standarrdblog 6. TaskForge

  2. 2015年7月3日 · Salingaros is the author of five books: “Anti-Architecture and Deconstruction” (2004), “Principles of Urban Structure” (2005), “A Theory of Architecture” (2006), “No Alle Archistar” (2009), “Twelve Lectures on Architecture” (2010), as well as over 120 scientific papers.

  3. Abstract. "This paper places digital labour in the context of recently revived interest in the young Marx’s concept of ‘species-being’ (Gattungswesen). Cryptically and fragmentarily announced in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, but largely abandoned in Marx’s later work, the idea has passed in and then, apparently ...

  4. 2015年5月25日 · Socialware and communityware serve as the keystone on which collectives can rely on, in order to self-organize and scale up, locally and remotely. Holomidal collective intelligence will soon build advanced forms of Holopticism and augmented holopticism."

  5. Description. "Agriculturalism, also known as the School of Agrarianism, the School of Agronomists, the School of Tillers, and in Chinese as the Nongjia, was an early agrarian Chinese philosophy that advocated peasant utopian communalism and egalitarianism. The Agriculturalists believed that Chinese society should be modeled around that of the ...

  6. 2012年7月23日 · Self-Contained Aquaponics Solar Greenhouse. = The Aquaponic Integrated Food Energy and Water System (IFEWS) currently produces fish and vegetables with zero energy inputs.

  1. 葉黃素乾眼症 相關

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