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  1. Chinese Translation of Political Economy of Peer Production. 对等生产(Peer Production)的政治经济学. 作者:Michael Bauwens,, Political Economy of Peer Production. Translator: Xiangjun KONG <>, Sponsor: Jan Van den Bergh <> for i-merge interactive brandbreeding ...

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    David Bollier: How does the program work? "It starts by regarding the city as a collaborative social ecosystem. Instead of seeing the city simply as an inventory of resources to be administered by politicians and bureaucratic experts, the Bologna Regulation sees the city’s residents as resourceful, imaginative agents in their own right. Citizen ini...

    By Daniela Patti: "The City of Bologna has had a long tradition in terms of citizens’ participation in decision making over the city’s development, but especially as a result of the economic crisis and the subsequent reduction on welfare expenditure, citizens have become increasingly active in the city. Responding to such inputs, the City Council h...

    The English version edited by 2013/2014 Labgov interns is now the official version adopted by the City of Bologna. :


    Excerpted from the intro to the regulation: "This Regulation was drafted by a working group appointed by the City ofBologna within the project “The city as a Commons” supported byFondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna( The Italian version can be downloaded here.Translation into English was prepared and edited by LabGov - LABoratoryfor the GOVernance of commons ( at LUISSGuido Carli. Through this acknowledgment note, LabGov would like toexpres...

    Section 1 : Purpose, subject and scope

    TITLE I - General provisions Sec. 1 (Purpose, subject and scope) 1. This Regulation, in line with the provisions of the Italian Constitution and the MunicipalStatute governs the forms of collaboration among citizens and the City of Bologna for thecare and regeneration of urban commons. 2. The provisions shall apply in cases where the intervention of citizens for the care andregeneration of urban commons requires the collaboration or responds to the solicitation ofthe City. 3. The collaboratio...

    Section 2 : Definitions

    Sec. 2 (Definitions) For the purposes of these provisions the terms are defined as follows a. Urban commons: the goods, tangible, intangible and digital, that citizens and theAdministration, also through participative and deliberative procedures, recognize to befunctional to the individual and collective wellbeing , activating consequently towards them,pursuant to article 118, par. 4, of the Italian Constitution, to share the responsibility with theAdministration of their care or regeneration...

    Policy implementations in Bologna

    via Neal Gorenflo: "We heard from the leaders of three projects that had signed pacts. Michela Bassi spoke of the impact of her Social Streets project, which has moved from a network of neighborhood Facebook groups to a nonprofit with a set of tangible projects including an outdoor ad turned into a neighborhood bulletin board. Veronica Veronesi introduced Reuse With Love, a group of 50 neighbors who joined forces to fight waste and improve the lives of children and the poor. Annarita Ciaruffo...

    Adapation in Co-Turino

    By Daniela Patti: "Urban Commons involving higher stakes in terms of ownership, management and economic conditions, as in the case of public buildings or even private ones, are not part of the scope of the Bologna Regulation of the Commons. Such a challenge was instead recently taken on by the City of Turin, which as many other Italian cities adopted the Bologna’ Regulation of the Commons with very small adjustments in January 2016. Within the framework of the Co-City project supported by the...

    Adaptation in Naples

    By Daniela Patti: "An experience stemming from a different background to the one of Bologna is the Regulation of the Commons in Naples. It was in this city that for the first time in 2011, the juridical definition of Commons was introduced in the City Council’s Statute, referring especially to the case of water, which had been object of the national Referendum that same year. The following years, the “Regulation for the Discipline of the Commons” and the “Principles for the government and man...

    Jay Waljasper: "Bologna’s urban commons initiative began in May 2014, when the city council passed landmark legislation, Bologna Regulation for the Care and Regeneration of Urban Commons. “A new era was dawning where citizens are active co-managers of the resources they use in cities instead of passive recipients of services,” wrote Neal Gorenflo i...

    by Christian Iaione: "The approval of the so-called Bologna Regulation on the collaboration between citizens and public administrations for the care and regeneration of urban commons has given impulse to a local regulatory movement. Having greatly contributed to the drafting of this regulation I could not be less happy to see public collaboration i...

  2. Excerpted from New Compass magazine: According to Holloway, doing – or quite “simply can-ness, capacity-to-do, the ability to do things” – constitutes the basic form of power. Holloway calls this form of power a “power-to” or “power-to-do.”. For Holloway, power-to is something inherently good.

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