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  1. 2011年9月24日 · For example a local trust metric might predict "Alice should trust Carol as 0.9" and "Bob should trust Carol as 0.1", or more formally trust (A,C)=0.9 and trust (B,C)=0.1. On the other hand, a global trust metric computes a single global trust value for every single user. Local trust metrics start from the assumption that every single trust ...

  2. Short Definitions. 1. "Open Hardware is a thing - a physical artifact, either electrical or mechanical - whose design information is available to, and usable by, the public in a way that allows anyone to make, modify, distribute, and use that thing." - The TAPR Open Hardware License [2]

  3. By Stefano Maffei and Massimo Bianchini: Microfactories: Production units of small and extremely small size that adopt tools and technologies for additive and subtractive miniaturized, open and peer-to-peer manufacturing: nanofactories (factories-in-a-box), desktop factories (factories on a table) and micro-factories (factories in a room), but ...

  4. Abstract. "This paper explores a possible new local-to-global system for the equitable governance of the “common pool resources.”. As normally understood, the “Commons” refers to resources that are owned or shared among communities. Such resources (forests, fisheries, etc.) when located within national boundaries are subject to that ...

  5. From a recent note on Iceland’s proposal: The key idea is a new Sovereign Monetary System, where only the central bank is responsible for money creation. The idea makes sense…Separating the creation of money and allocation of money powers could safeguard against excessive credit creation, and reduce incentives for commercial banks to create ...

  6. One way to illustrate the circular economy is to think of cycles in the natural world. A simple representation might be a seed, which grows in nutritious topsoil, becoming a strong adult tree – its body will eventually decompose to become part of the nutrient source for more trees to grow. But this paints too tidy a picture – living ...

  7. him having a voice.Both Agamben and Foucault agree that we can no longer distinguish between the simple fact of living (zoê) and the good life (bios); between our biological life as living beings and our political existence; between what is incommunicable ...

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