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  1. (Audio Illusions)) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. Many of us have become quick to catch illusions that trick our eyes - but how often do you consider illusions of the ear? 很多人都能很快發現眼睛錯覺,但你有多常察覺到耳朵的錯覺呢? Are you really able to trust your ears and the things they hear? 你真的可以相信你聽到的東西嗎? For example, listen to Greg speaking... 舉例來說,請聽格雷格說話 ...

  2. 超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的學習方法和工具。

  3. Then, there are quarks. 然後就是夸克。. The quarks are the nuclear family of particles. 夸克組成原子核,. They're always found bound together in groups and pairs and make up protons and neutrons, which make up the nuclei of atoms. 它們成對或組地綁在一起,形成中子和質子,也就是原子核。. Together, the ...

  4. 今天我將介紹地球上最活躍和最特殊的金屬:銫。. Cesium is an active alkaline metal, which is located near the bottom of the periodic table of chemical elements. 銫是一種活性鹼金屬,位於化學元素週期表的底部. only Francium(Fr) can be more active than Cesium(Cs). 只有鈁 (Fr)比銫 (Cs)更活躍。. but ...

  5. 這是來自半島電視台的報導:北京對選舉感到憤怒之際,台灣英文和賴清德歡迎美國的支持。 Now this headline focuses on the reactions of other countries to the results , the new president .

  6. 這首歌的歌詞就像他的歌名一樣明白,訴說著在外地工作或是讀書的人,放下他的工作、他的夥伴踏上歸鄉之路,不管他的同事、搭檔或是戰友會埋怨他,他還是要回家,他知道他的故鄉在等著他,他要大聲地吶喊他要回家了!

  7. to let myself feel my emotions. honest about what’s going on. So I really suggest that you let yourself feel what you’re. feeling, just be honest about it, and sometimes you just gotta have a little meltdown. 2. I talk it out. You know, I either call a friend or someone on my team, or I call.

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