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  1. wiki.p2pfoundation.netP2P Foundation

    2023年5月7日 · The P2P Foundation is an international organization focused on studying, researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices in a very broad sense. This wiki is our knowledge commons. Our motto is " Together we know everything, together we have everything ", i.e. pooling our resources through commons, creates prosperity for all.

  2. P2P不是无层级的,也不是无结构的,而是通常以采集灵活层级和结构的优点为特点,并且这些被用于共同参与。 领导权也是“分布式的”。 通常地,P2P项目是作为一个整体受核心创办人的领导,他们将项目的原始目标具体化,并组织大量个人和小团体致力于 ...

  3. Cosmo-Local Production is a methodology for creating value and products and services that are inspired by the following basic rules (see below). and marries the planetary globalization of knowledge, the 'smart' localization of production, and both local and planetary mutualization, i.e. marrying distributed making and global open innovation:

  4. Cosmo-localism "comes partly from discourse on cosmopolitanism which asserts that each of us has equal moral standing, even as nations treat people differently. The dominant economic system treats physical resources as if they were infinite and then locks up intellectual resources as if they were finite.

  5. Collaborative Lifestyles. = one of three forms of Collaborative Consumption identified by Rachel Botsman et al.: It’s not just physical goods that can be shared, swapped, and bartered. People with similar interests are banding together to share and exchange less tangible assets such as time, space, skills, and money.

  6. Their novel initiative, called GreenXchange, aims to allow companies to share intellectual property for green product design, packaging, manufacturing, and other uses. If it succeeds, this budding coalition could accelerate innovation across companies and sectors.

  7. 2010年3月7日 · The difference between an intermediary and an apomediary is that an intermediary stands “in between” (latin: inter- means “in between”) the consumer and information/service, i.e. is absolutely necessary to get a specific information/service. In contrast, apomediation means that there are agents (people, tools) which “stand by ...

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