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  1. 2023年7月22日 · In the post-tragic we have fully faced the tragic and live within it, but are able to transcend and transform it. The move from pre-tragic to tragic is simply the movement in which we—to borrow Robert Jay Lifton’s phrase—“face the apocalypse.”. We step out of the potentially fatal illusion that things will just continue on as they are ...

  2. Description. David J. Temple: "A think tank co-founded and led by two old and dear friends, Marc Gafni and Zak Stein, together with Ken Wilber. Its mission has been to evolve the source code of consciousness and culture as the primary response to the looming threat of existential and catastrophic risk. Core to evolving the source code is the ...

  3. 1. "Jean Gebser was a German-born poet, philosopher and linguist most well known in the English-speaking world for The Ever-Present Origin, first published in 1949. A weighty tome, EPO spans the history of human consciousness –describing a series of trials and tribulations, followed by transformations, that have marked the human journey.

  4. The first is the classic capitalist economy based on labor value and proprietary forms of knowledge, which dominated the industrial phase of capitalism. The value model of the traditional proprietary capitalism is based on the premise that workers create value in their private capacity as providers of labor (Figure 2.2).

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    "Decline belonged to a massive body of literature which took shape between the first and second world wars on the 'Crisis of Civilization', and which includes, among others, works like Stoddard's The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy (1920), Guenon's The Crisis of the Modern World (1927), Freud's Civilization and its Discontents (1...

    "A Culture is born in the moment when a great Soul awakens .. and detaches itself: a form for the formless .. It blooms on the soil of an exactly definable landscape, to which plant-wise it remains bound. It dies when this souls has actualized the full sum of its possibilities. ... The aim once attained, .. the Culture suddenly hardens, it mortifie...

    1. From the Brittannica: "Der Untergang is a study in the philosophy of history. Spengler contended that because most civilizations must pass through a life cycle, not only can the historian reconstruct the past but he can predict “the spiritual forms, duration, rhythm, meaning and product of the still unaccomplished stages of our Western history.”...

    Paul Klingsnorth: "Spengler's book The Decline of the West has been sitting on my shelf for years, and I've been putting off reading it. Like its author, it has an intimidating aura. But as spring came I finally sat down with it. Published in 1918, the book - or rather the first of its two volumes - catapulted its author, a previously obscure priva...

    JOSÉ LUÍS GARCIA: "The key to Spengler's philosophical anthropology and accompanying philosophy of history is his use of the Faustian legend in popular German literature to interpret modern technology. According to him, humans are the only predators able to select and design weapons for attacking nature and each other. At some point around the tent...

    - Excerpt from Vol. I; Chapter IV. Part II. Section VI. (not the full text of the section, but selected phrases, occasionally slightly adapted for smoother sentences - mb) Oswald Spengler: "It is the primitive feeling of care which dominates the physiognomy of the Western ("as that of the Egyptians ... and the Chinese") .. It creates the symbolism of the erotic which represents the flowing on of endless life. (p. 102) Classical man conceived only the here and now: The domestic religion of Rom...

    Source: Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West, Vol. 2; Chapter IV: Cities and People; Section V, pp. 69-74 Summary transcription based on excerpted text, by Michel Bauwens. Osward Spengler: “The Stone Colossus, ‘Cosmopolis', stands at the end of the life course of every great Culture.” (p. 68) The Culture Man, whom the land has spiritually formed, is seized … by his own creation, the City.” (p. 69) “The stony mass is the absolute City. These final cities are wholly intellect. ["the heart h...

  5. 2021年12月21日 · Chapter IV: Victory of the royal monopoly at the end of the XVth to the XVIth cy. Elias stresses that the political and the economical were still fused and that production was subject to violence, not yet a 'free competitive activity'. Follows a recapitulation of the inevitability of the monopolistic process.

  6. 2007年3月19日 · A Brief Biography of Dr. Robert K. Logan. Dr. Logan obtained his B.S. from M.I.T. in 1961 and his Ph.D. also from M.I.T. in 1965. He spent two years at U. of Illinois as a research associate and came to the University of Toronto in 1967. He is Professor Emiritus of Physics. He served as a member of the board of the McLuhan Program at U of T.

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