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  1. 首頁 | 交通部中央氣象局

  2. 中央氣象局全球資訊網

  3. Created Date 1/6/2022 3:04:49 PM

  4. Created Date 10/24/2022 4:20:11 PM

  5. Normally it refers to the situation that people while fishing at the seashore or having fun in the water are hit by sudden huge waves without notice. It is just like the attack from an unleashed mad dog. About 79% of the "mad-dog waves" in Taiwan that cause These ...

  6. 新聞稿 2019民生公共物聯網資料應用競賽 550萬總獎金等你來挑戰!政府開放物聯網大數據 提供全台最全民生公共資料應用 為迎接物聯網時代、刺激業界、學界與民間共同參與政府開放資料 應用,並帶動相關產業之創新與發展,由行政院科技會報指導、科技部

  7. PK ),慓^? '' mimetypeapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.textPK ),慓2昔 ? Thumbnails/thumbnail.png塒NG IHDR? 慢情 PLTE)),=.*>2/887.>L>H=HQD86GA=[F2DACCGMKD ...

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