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  1. 蚊子怕什麼顏色 相關

  2. 選用安全環保藥劑,除蟲效果立竿見影,輕鬆找回安心衛生環境,一通電話免費勘查! 搶救要趁早!選用衛生署合格用藥,施工規劃完整細膩,享5年安心保固,立即來電預約!


  1. 2024/05/31 10:49. 〔記者陳政宇/台北報導〕國民黨及民眾黨在立法院強推國會擴權法案,引發全台民眾怒火,甚至醞釀罷免各地藍白立委。. 國民黨團今(31)日在立法院會提議,將國民黨立委許宇甄所提「公職人員選舉罷免法修正草案」自抽出委員會逕付二讀 ...

  2. Misogynists really hate career women. They think the only place women should work is at home, especially in the kitchen. By definition they hate all women. They’ll claim they love them, but love isn’t about reducing a person to a meat machine you control. They also hate women whom they perceive as gold diggers.

  3. Yeah, it’s probably military too. Naw, without looking you only know it’s military when you hear the very obvious double rotor noise so you can confidently say “oh that’s a chinook” and be like “yep, knew it” when you look at it. And Creedence playing over a loud speaker. That's for a hoard of hueys.

  4. My school put up whiteboards to stop vandalism in the toilet rooms. When I had a restaurant I painted the inside of the toilet doors with blackboard paint and left chalks available. People left AMAZING works of art! We would post them to social media and that encouraged more people to make colourful intricate drawings instead of dicks.

  5. No woman has ever looked as beautiful as her in that movie. This and when Cameron Diaz walks into the bank out of the rain at the beginning of the mask were two of the moments when I “discovered” women as a kid. Cameron Diaz hit her peak unfortunately early. She's never looked as hot since as she did in The Mask.

  6. A place to watch the best and worst videos from TikTok. Here you can find TikToks that are cringe-worthy, funny, wholesome, and more! We recommend sorting by flair to find the exact content you're looking for. What Project 2025 is.

  7. It's the inevitable product of right wing ideology. Right wing ideology: views children as property of parents. To be used, abused, sold, or disposed of as the parent pleases. fetishizes youth, "purity", and virginity. believes in highly hierarchical relationships.

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