DiamondTouch supports small group collaboration by providing a display interface that allows users to maintain eye contact while interacting with the display simultaneously (i.e., without having to take turns). DiamondTouch was first created in 2001 as an experimental multi-user interface device.
- Special Projects
- Civilizational Analysis and The Pulsation of The Commons
- Theory Projects
- Our Ebooks
- Our Printed Books
- Overview of P2P Transition Proposals
The Commons-Based Reciprocity LicenseA ongoing study of what macrohistorians have learned about the overall evolution of humanity, life, and the cosmos, in order to understand the role of the commons in human history: Here is our resource base: Annotated Bibliography on Civilizational Analysis Cycles Patterns Scenarios for the Future Civilizational and Ecological Collapse Biophysical ...
P2P Foundation Theory Project 1. General P2P Theory 2. P2P Hierarchy Theory 3. P2P Class Theory 4. Integral Theory
Bauwens, M., Kostakis, V., & Pazaitis, A. (2019). Peer to Peer: The Commons Manifesto (Book), London: Westminster University Press. Available as free e-book at: https://www.uwestminsterpress.co.uk/...The Commons Transition project]: ebook and siteEnglish: Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy. By Vasilis Kostakis and Michel Bauwens. Palgrave, 2014.
This is a summary of our key structural arguments for commons/p2p-centric social change: 1. in capitalism there is a specific articulation of market/community (nation)/command (state) in which the market is dominant. 2. a commons-centric economy has a different articulation in which the communal mechanisms of pooling shared resources are dominant. ...
Playbour is suffused with an ideology of play, which effectively masks labour as play, and disguises the process of self-expropriation as self-expression.
2021年4月17日 · P2P is a process or dynamic that can be found in many communities and movements self-organising around the co-creation of culture and knowledge. Well known general examples include the free/open source software movement; free culture; open hardware; and open access in education and science.
本文旨在阐述一个概念性框架,一个“点对点理论”的导论部分,相信该框架可以足以使大家理解该新兴社会模式。 点对点(P2P)的定义. P2P不仅仅是简单发生在分布式网络里的任一行为或生产方式:它们特指旨在增加平等参与者最广泛参与的行为或方法。 我们将在研究P2P模式的特点时详细定义这些术语,以下是最普遍和最重要的一些特征: P2P是指被创造的如下的生产方式: - 通过生产者(他们可以取得所分配的资本)之间的自由合作产生使用价值:这就是对等生产模式,“第三种生产模式”,不同于国有企业的公营或营利性生产。 其产品不具有市场上的交换价值,而在使用者团体中具有使用价值。 - 其过程和决策由生产者团体自行管理,而不受市场分配或企业管理层级的支配。 这就是P2P管理模式,或“第三种管理模式”。
PPStream = streaming P2P Internet TV. URL = http://all-streaming-media.com/peer-to-peer-TV/p2p-streaming-Internet-TV-PPStream.htm. "PPStream is a network for live media streaming, or you can call it a P2P Streaming Internet TV. In principle it's similar to BitTorrent (BT). It can broadcast TV programs stably and smoothly to broadband users.
We are a collection of diverse organisms, known as holobionts, vitally united by a shared life, not inherently atomistic, isolated, egocentric individuals. The ideas derived from this understanding of symbiosis have yet to be fully integrated into the diverse domains of human activity.