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    參團旅客好評大讚!專業規劃長程旅遊景點,嚴選星級住宿,當地風味餐食,深度暢遊物超所值. 獲獎常勝軍!足跡遍布歐洲、中東、美洲等地,精緻多元行程規劃、節慶主題之旅,帶您看見世界之美


  1. Description. "The World Travel Exchange (WTEx) offers its members the opportunity to "trade to travel". Launched in 2004, 173 trade exchanges have listed over 800 hotels and resorts globally. Their clients can travel the world and pay for it with accepted complementary currencies through this innovative exchange.

  2. 2012年1月4日 · Description. "In order to live at sea, we’re pioneering an entirely new form of marine architecture. Open_Sailing acts like a giant organism, a cluster of intelligent units that can react to their environment, change shape and reconfigure themselves. They talk to each other. They’re modular, re-pluggable, pre-broken, post-industrial and ...

  3. One example of a usership is collective travel. Another one is public parks. In Sweden, we have a rule which is called "The Right to Roam" (Allemansrätten) which allows you to enjoy nature and camp almost everywhere you want on the countryside.

  4. The DNS, or Domain Name System, is in effect the telephone directory of Internet sites. Each time you enter a Web address, or URL—, let’s say—the DNS looks up the IP address where the site can be found. IP addresses are numbers separated by dots—for example,’s is If the DNS is instructed to ...

  5. Discussion Jerry Stifelman: "As the Slow Food movement fights to bring back real food, real tradition, real flavor, and real pleasure. As the Slow Travel movement aims to reclaim the concept of the journey being as important as the destination. As Slow Money ...

  6. Collaborative Lifestyles. = one of three forms of Collaborative Consumption identified by Rachel Botsman et al.: It’s not just physical goods that can be shared, swapped, and bartered. People with similar interests are banding together to share and exchange less tangible assets such as time, space, skills, and money.

  7. Description "The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) is a global grassroots network of more than 400 local ecovillages worldwide grown out of the eco-movement as well as traditional villages. It facilitates the exchange of experiences as well as running external courses ...

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