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  1. I-P-O documentation helps to monitor, communicate and connect flows of energy, materials, components and (by)products. The IPO Tables projects goal is to bring and experiment the I-P-O standard for creating documentation and connecting information to the world of makers and open-source-hardware. And it also wants to bring the ideas of openness ...

  2. copy it onto large paper and hang it on the wall or spread it out over a large table. Then you can use the canvas to visualize how the community might function when it is fully developed. This stimulates creativity, seeing multiple uses for buildings and other ...

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    "I would never tell a traditional company to switch their accounting system to REA. But if you are organizing supply chains, joint ventures, multi-company collaboration spaces, or economic networks, it's all different." - Bob Haugen (email, July 2018)

    1. Bob Haugen: "REA enables resource flow or process flow models at any level of granularity and aggregation, so that micro-models may be interconnected with macro-models and vice versa. The general pattern is Input-Process-Output, where the output of one process may become the input of another process, and so on (almost) ad infinitum. Both the inp...

    Bob Haugen: "REA is a simple economic and accounting ontology that can handle all economic resources, not just monetary ones; can handle full economic cycles including production, distribution, and exchange; and can handle externalities (waste and degradation of resources) as well as generative resource flows. REA is usually presented as an enterpr...

    = In the early 1980s Bill McCarthy first defines Resource-Event-Agent (REA) model for accounting systems and publishes many paperson the topic.

    Bob Haugen on how REA developments fit in a Commons Economy

    Bob Haugen: "What I miss is the importance of REA for what the P2P Foundationwants to do. You can get a hint of it from reading between some of the lines in this story: Key excerpt: "Consider traditional accounting, a multi-billion industry largelydominated by the ‘big four’ audit firms, Deloitte, KPMG, Ernst &Young, and PwC. The digital distributed ledger could transparentlyreport the financial transactions of an organization...

    Gregg Cassel on how Scuttlebutt and the Holochain fit in a REA world

    Greg Cassel: "REA accounting, Value Flows, and my own work seek to develop data formats for people (agents) to CREATE and share information accurately and efficiently. We build models to represent dynamic processes and systems which perform actions (inputs, outputs, transformations) on resources. We think this modeling will be deeply important to creating fair and just economies, mutually coordinated by groups of peers. However, these models may be useless (or worse) without data security. Sc... (very early project to combine odoo/rea in the context of Coopaname

  3. From the Wikipedia: “Mutual credit is a type of alternative currency in which the currency used in a transaction can be created at the time of the transaction. Local exchange trading systems (LETS) are mutual credit systems. Typically this involves keeping track of each individual's credit or debit balance.

  4. Typology. "There are five basic models: i) voluntary contributions, ii) charging viewers for services - pay-per-item or subscription models, including bundling with existing subscriptions, iii) advertising-based models, iv) licensing of content and technology to third parties, and. v) selling goods and services to the community (monetising the ...

  5. From the Wikipedia: "Material balances are a method of economic planning where material supplies are accounted for in natural units (as opposed to using monetary accounting) and used to balance the supply of available inputs with targeted outputs.

  6. 1 Discussion. 1.1 The ecological problem and contemporary cybernetic planning. 1.2 Requirements for Cybernetic Communism. 2 History. 2.1 The history of Cybernetic Planning. 3 Movements. 3.1 Contemporary schools of thought and the problem of Labour Algorithms. 3.2 On the Cybernetic Self-Management advocated by Cornelis Castoriadis.

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