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  1. 英國疫苗任務組前負責人表示在南非的一項單獨的試驗中疫苗已經顯示它可以保護人們關注的變種。 There is a fantastic results because it shows that the Novavax vaccine is effective against both the UK variant as well as the South African variant on has shown phenomenal efficacy on its made in Teesside .

  2. Kirsten Lyke 博士主導了了輝瑞和 BioNTech 公司所生產的 Covid-19 疫苗的一期試驗。 She says side effects are a possibility with any vaccine. 她說,任何疫苗都有可能產生副作用。 In general, it's nothing to fear. It's our own immune systems kicking in and doing what it's supposed to do. 一般來說,這沒什麼好害怕的。 這代表我們的免疫系統開始運作,並做了它該做的事。

  3. This is from the Washington Post: Nobel Prize in medicine awarded to scientists who laid foundation for messenger RNA vaccines. 這是華盛頓郵報的報導諾貝爾醫學獎頒發給奠定信使RNA疫苗基礎的科學家。. As this headline says, the Nobel Prize in medicine has been awarded to the scientists whose research led to ...

  4. COVID-19 vaccine • Get the latest information from the CDC. Watch on. 影片播放. This is the new one-dose Covid-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson. 這是嬌生公司所新推出的單劑型Covid-19疫苗. In early March, more than 6,000 doses. 3月初,有超過6千多劑. were supposed to be shipped to the city of Detroit, Michigan. 本來是要運到密西根州底特律市的. But the mayor said, no thanks. 但市長說,不用了,謝謝.

  5. 來了解為什麼你應該害怕針頭 (Why You Should Be Afraid Of Needles) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. So I've been seeing people stick coins to their arm where they've just received the COVID vaccine as if their arm is now magnetized. 最近我一直看到有人把硬幣貼在他們手臂剛注射完支那肺炎疫苗的 ...

  6. Watch on. 影片播放. Could You Still Spread COVID-19 If You Get Vaccinated? Most people want to know if they can still get COVID-19 after vaccination. But there are others curious if they can spread the coronavirus after getting the jabs. Unfortunately, scientists know little if current vaccines can stop transmission.

  7. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學 ...

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