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  1. 字幕已審核 04:58. 【看動畫學英文】飛哥與佛要倒大楣了!. (Candace FINALLY Busts Phineas and Ferb | Phineas and Ferb | Disney XD) 12952. 中文 B1 中級. 字幕已審核 05:23. 帶給我們無數感動及滿滿回憶的「吉卜力」動畫,究竟有什麼魔力?. (Why Studio Ghibli films have that extra magic ...

  2. Watch on. 影片播放. You shot most of Terminator Genisys in New Orleans, I know. 你多半是在紐奧良拍攝《魔鬼終結者:創世契機》,對吧。 Yes, I did. 沒錯。 Now, Jai Courtney was here last week and he's your co-star in the film. 你電影中的搭擋 Jai Courtney 上週有來這。 He claimed that he did no drinking at all because he wanted to stay in shape. 他聲稱拍攝期間沒喝酒因為他想要維持身材。 Of course he did. 他當然這樣說。

  3. 迪斯尼的《美人魚》在百老匯上演--偷看 (Disney's THE LITTLE MERMAID on Broadway - Sneak Peek) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Watch on. 影片播放. What would I give, if I could live. Out of these waters? What would I pay, To spend a day, Warm on the sand? Bet'cha on land, they understand. Bet they don't reprimand their daughters! Bright young women, sick of swimmin' Ready to stand!

  4. Watch on. 影片播放. Oh, I can't wait for our date, Mickey. See you at 8:00! 喔,我等不及今天的約會了。 米奇,今天八點見囉! Looking and smelling like never before. 真是小別勝新婚呢! What am I going to wear? 我該穿甚麼才好呢? Huh? Nope, too spicy. 喔,不,太妖豔了. Too young. 太稚氣了. Oh, too much. 太華麗了. What am I going to wear? 我該穿甚麼才好?我該穿甚麼才好呢? What am I going to wear? 我到底該穿甚麼才好呢? Oh... 喔. A classic.

  5. 姬·米娜 - 愛的重低音. This one is for the boys with the booming system. Top down, AC with the cooling system. 這首歌是要送給車上有超重低音的男孩,闊氣敞篷,冷到炸的空調. When he come up in the club, he be blazin' up. Got stacks on the deck like he saving up. 當他現身在夜店,根本就傲視群雄,多到數不清的錢,一般人永遠也賺不到. And he ill, he real, he might got a deal. He pop bottles and he got the right kind of bill.

  6. 2014年1月29日 · 今日挑戰句子. 聽聽句子怎麼說. I've got everything I need right here with me.<br/><br/> I figure life's a gift, and I don't intend on wasting it.<br/><br/> You never know what hand you're going to get dealt next. 我把全部家當都帶在身上了<br/> 生命可貴 我可不想浪費<br/> 你永遠不會知道 下一刻 ...

  7. VoiceTube 翻譯社群. 【重要公告】為了提供使用者更豐富與更大量的影片資源,VoiceTube 的影片字幕會將部分影片改以機器翻譯服務來產出字幕翻譯,並開放使用者透過字幕校對功能來提升字幕品質,因此於 2020 年 6 月 22 日起不再對外招募翻譯社群成員,感謝您對 ...