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  1. 車牌辨識系統 相關

  2. E-TAG長距離讀卡機、反向尋車、車牌辨識收費、車牌辨識系統、柵欄機、停車場收費系統、通關機. 【停車系統】規劃、設計、生產、施工、保養一條龍,投保產品責任險一千萬

  3. 控管驗證高效率!雙向、單向輕鬆切換,防夾防衝撞功能,品質經久耐用,立即諮詢! 出入高效控管!規劃設計、生產、施工保養一條龍,品質穩固,價格合理,馬上洽詢!



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  2. Yahoo Mail is one of the most popular and reliable email services in the world. You can sign in or out of your account from any device, access a variety of Yahoo services, and enjoy features like ...

  3. 2024年4月11日 · While it may sound surprising, vision changes that affect nighttime driving can begin as early as one's late 20s to early 30s. “Over the last 20 years, we have seen a massive shift with eye ...

  4. 2017年6月29日 · 【星島日報報道】糖妹昨日出席一個新發布會,透露下月將考車牌,希望成功考後買新,笑言是送給自己的生日禮物,而且這架新有11種色 ...

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