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    葡萄糖胺為人體可自行合成的胺基酸單醣,有著潤滑、緩衝的作用,有助於維持人的行動力與靈活度。 為更高效率與更長久維持效果,日本原廠的高品質葡萄糖胺、法國MSM、日本專利鮭魚鼻軟骨精華

  3. 中西醫雙管齊下,依照體質不同調理,改善腫脹僵硬、避免復發變形,幫助氣血循環,鞏固骨質骨量! 中西醫結合,雙執照醫師、專業親切問診,給您輕鬆醫療體驗!針對病況對症下藥,緩解心頭之苦。


  1. 2022年6月6日 · Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis. It is associated with a breakdown of cartilage in joints and can occur in almost any joint in the...

  2. 2022年6月6日 · Osteoarthritis, commonly known as wear and tear arthritis, is the most common type of arthritis. It is associated with a breakdown of cartilage in joints and can occur in almost any joint in the ...

  3. 2022年5月18日 · Get in-depth arthritis information here including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and related conditions.

    • Diagnosis
    • Treatment
    • Overview

    A diagnosis of arthritis is the first step toward successful treatment. To diagnose arthritis, your doctor will consider your symptoms, perform a physical exam to check for swollen joints or loss of motion, and use blood tests and X-rays to confirm the diagnosis. X-rays and blood tests also help distinguish the type of arthritis you have. For examp...

    Treatment of arthritis generally includes rest, occupational or physical therapy, exercise, drugs, and sometimes surgery to correct joint damage. Treatments for osteoarthritis generally can help relieve pain and stiffness, but the disease may continue to progress. The same was true for rheumatoid arthritis in the past, but newer treatments for rheu...

    Protecting your joints is an important part of arthritis treatment. With the help of an occupational therapist, you can learn easier ways to do your normal activities. An occupational therapist can teach you how to:

  4. 2022年11月2日 · Inflammation is a process by which your body's white blood cells and the things they make protect you from infection from outside invaders, such as bacteria and viruses. But in some diseases, like ...

  5. 2023年5月1日 · Sometimes connection points for tendons to bones (entheses) can get inflamed and become painful due to injury, overuse, or disease. This is known as an enthesopathy; specifically, enthesitis.

  6. 2023年7月23日 · Rest the joint, avoiding any activities that cause you pain. Ice the joint for about 15 minutes, several times each day. Compress the joint using an elastic wrap. Elevate the joint above the level ...

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