Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋

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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. distance learning; distance education (A method of instruction and learning designed to overcome barriers of time and space by allowing students to study in their own homes or at local facilities, often at their own convenience, using materials available electronically or by mail. Contact with the instructor usually occurs via telephone or e-mail. Telecommunication networks and teleconferencing have facilitated distance learning. Libraries are working to support distance learning by providing online catalogs and databases, electronic reserves, electronic reference service, online tutorials, and electronic document delivery.)

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  2. 露天市集(原露天拍賣)是全台最大網路購物市集,提供最多新品與二手的玩具公仔、生活居家、3C家電等,各式免運、折扣優惠以及信用卡回饋。露天海外代購全中文服務,與美國eBay、韓國Gmarket、PChomeThai等合作,共計13國,讓你輕鬆一鍵買遍全世界。

  3. 無法搜尋到您要的結果真的非常抱歉! 小露露建議您 簡化或嘗試其他關鍵字搜尋 如有勾選過濾條件可以嘗試移除部分條件後再搜尋 如果有任何問題或建議,可以聯絡客服中心 已經沒有東西了! 已經沒有東西囉!

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