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  1. › app › 2668080Steam - 塵白禁域

    《塵白禁域》是一款3D輕科幻射擊RPG,支持多端互通、共享進度。 在降臨事情發生後的近未來都市戰場,作為分析員的你,將與一群擁有各異的性格與天賦的天啟者美少女們組成戰術小隊,重返被稱作「零區」的禁域,攜手對戰巨型泰坦及各方勢力的威脅,揭開久已蒙塵的真相。 【暢快射擊戰鬥 華麗技能連攜】 未來槍械,擬真手感,力求還原真實細膩的射擊體驗。 超豐富武器庫提供多樣化選擇,還可自由組合可視化槍械配件,打造你的專屬武器。 融合角色技能的創新玩法,衍生豐富戰鬥體驗,在爽快的射擊戰鬥中克敵制勝。 【巨物降臨 震撼泰坦BOSS戰】 巨型人形生物「泰坦」降臨,在震撼的近未來科幻戰場,體驗身臨其境的巨物壓迫,感受極具臨場感與沉浸感的BOSS關卡戰。

    • (2.2K)
  2. › app › 1566690Steam - 重裝前哨

    指揮自己的移動哨站,手握“溶質槍”深入危機四伏的“天印”監控無人區,收集那些令人驚奇的武器部件,提升火力,與它並肩作戰。塔防、FPS、RTS多種玩法融為一體,靈活應對,將襲來的敵軍消滅殆盡。 在多人模式下,召集夥伴抵禦敵人、攻克前方的危機與挑戰,從“天印”手中奪回大地!

    • (8.6K)
    • Lightning Games
    • Team Ranger
    • 2024 年 2 月
  3. About This Game. 『Touhou Danmaku Kagura Phantasia Lost』is a rebuild of Touhou Project's first officially approved smartphone rhythm game "Touhou Danmaku Kagura" as a standalone version. Play Danmaku Kagura and collect the Mitama Cards, the Fragments of Memories to find the key to rebuild the now barren Phantasia.

  4. 關於此遊戲. 我們希望能在《戰意》中與玩家共同體驗新內容,並與各位玩家進行有效的交流,從而及時改進遊戲內容。. 我們誠邀各位玩家體驗試玩,並向我們提出寶貴的意見與建議!. 在超過1000士兵的中世紀攻城戰中,玩家將一邊指揮著兵團進行列陣、衝鋒 ...

  5. Outriders is a RPG-Shooter with aggressive gunplay and intense action. As such, blood and gore is frequent, and core to the experience. The Outriders unique abilities are as violent as the shooting, with bloody and gruesome methods for dispatching of enemies. The world of Enoch is dark and desperate, and the characters that inhabit the world ...

  6. In the beautiful country of ParadiZe, ingenious survivors are testing a technology that can be used to control the zombies that have overrun the world. Once hacked, they become invaluable allies, even though they are not that smart and sometimes rather unstable. It's not all rosy in ParadiZe, but if you're reasonably clever and handy, maybe you ...

  7. ASTLIBRA Revision is a quite an unique game. We recommend you play the public demo first (it is just above the Add to Cart button) before deciding whether to purchase it. The demo provides full Prologue and Chapter One content, as well as a demostration of late-game battle systems. It takes 1-2 hours to complete.

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