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  1. The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim. 地球只是一個你可以主張的死的東西. But I know every rock and tree and creature. 但我知道每個石頭,樹和生物. Has a life, has a spirit, has a name. 有生命,有靈魂,有名字. You think the only people who are people. 你認為只有人們是人. Are the people who look and think like you. 看著人們你認為他們像你. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger. 但如果你是光著腳走路的陌生人.

  2. 字幕與單字. A2 初級 英國腔 英語 英式 發音 練習 影片 馬拉松. 不要再像美國人一樣講話了!. (Stop Speaking Like An American) 13306 628. Evangeline 發佈於 2018 年 09 月 14 日. 分享.

  3. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid." 愛因斯坦曾說:「每個人都是天才。. 但如果你用爬樹能力來評斷一隻魚,那麼牠此生都會覺得自己是笨蛋。. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, today on trial, we have modern day schooling ...

  4. Your father is sorry. He had to work. 你父親很抱歉。. 他必須工作。. He said he was gonna be here. He promised. 他說他會在這裡。. 他答應了。. l know, but he promises that he is gonna see you tomorrow.

  5. 耐震的建築物大多是為了抵禦日本每天都會發生的四到五級地震而建造的,並避免在發生更大的地震時完全倒塌。. Butforbuildingstallerthana simpledetachedhouse orsmallbusiness, thismightnotcutitwhichis whatthenexttierofearthquake-proofingisfor. 但對於比簡單的獨立式住宅或小型企業更高的 ...

  6. 面對不斷成長的人口,以及都市化的趨勢,過去一個世紀以來靠建造高樓來因應。但當前建築科技技術的下一步在哪裡?讓這部影片來告訴你吧! 1carbon footprint 0:23 carbon footprint 就是「碳足跡」這個專有名詞的原文,以二氧化碳的釋放量為單位,衡量對環境的影響。

  7. 而不是默認的一個窗口。. Right-click the icon to access the menu. 右鍵點擊圖標,進入菜單。. The top option, "Set Voice Changer," 最上面的選項,"設置換聲器"。. will allow you to customize the effects applied to your mic. 將允許你自定義應用於你的麥克風的效果。. With the custom effect applied ...

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