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  1. 2023年8月22日 · Description. Katharina Pistor: "This Article explores data as a source and, in their processed variant, as a means of governance that will likely replace both markets and the law. Discussing data not as an object of transactions or an object of governance, but as a tool for governing others on a scale that rivals that of nation ...

    • Abstract
    • Nationwide Electronic/Digital Price Controls
    • Big Data and Real-Time Economics/The Uncloaking of The “Invisible Hand”.
    • Maintaining The Value of Money in real-time.
    • Dynamic Pricing in Real-Time
    • TFE and The Climate Change Emergency
    • Key References

    The following is in brief concerned with the very basics of an emerging paradigm known as Transfinancial Economics or TFE. It can be seen as a form of Keynesian Economics. Basic to it is the huge relevance of the use of computers and information technology in finance. This would act as a means of notably influencing the economy towards a more ethic...

    Essentially, Transfinancial Economics or TFE believes notably that new unearned repayable and non-repayable money can be digitally created ex nihilo and phased into the economy safely without leading to uncontrolled levels of inflation or indeed hyperinflation. This is simply done with the aid of highly flexible electronic digital price controls us...

    As one might well realize it would be possible to understand the entire economy in real-time (or near real-time). This colossal accounting data would be created 24/7 with virtually every transaction notably using barcodes, or something similar. The central Inflation Authority would be programmed to instantly check the inflation status of each produ...

    TFE would be able to maintain the value of money in real-time at the point of sale (POS). For example, person T buys product A in a shop and its retail price is instantly checked for its inflation status. It is found to be above the inflation rate by 50p and the customer though has already spent this amount but is compensated for it digitally by ha...

    Fintech is short for Financial Technology. It is a critical part of the TFE paradigm without which it cannot exist. A good example of such financial technology which exists now is Dynamic Pricing. Essentially, it can automatically deal with variable pricing due to changes in supply and demand. It has been successfully utilised in areas such as tran...

    At present the greatest challenge facing humanity is the climate change emergency. Tragically, it seems highly likely that it will become irreversible (if it is not already). As such governments, Bigtech companies, and smaller businesses must try if possible to make serious efforts to create credible resilient adaption and mitigation projects on a ...

    Carney, Mark. (2021). Value (s), Building a Better World for All. William Collins. Clegg, Brian. (2021). Quantum Computing; The Transformative Technology of the Qubit Revolution. Icon Cockshott, W. Paul., & Cottrell, Allin. (1993). Towards a New Socialism. Spokesman Books. Gates, William Henry. (2021). How to avoid a Climate Disaster; The Solutions...

  2. Monocapitalism: capitalism designed to grow and concentrate one form of vital capital – financial capital – very often at the expense of the ongoing viability of other capitals; Multicapitalism: capitalism designed to maintain the carrying capacities of all vital capitals (natural, human, social, intellectual, constructed, and financial ...

  3. "A new Land Commons would utilise a mutual credit mechanism (a collaborative credit accounting framework) (Slater and Jenkin, 2016; Fleischman et al., 2020), to buy parcels of land without accruing debt by selling inflation-proof vouchers (Mutual Credit

  4. Alex Pazaitis is researcher at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology and core member of P2P Lab. He holds a PhD in Technology Governance and is leading parts of the COSMOLOCALISM and CENTRINNO projects Alex has extensive experience from research and innovation projects and project management ...

  5. For chrematistics, more is always better…. In this definition of economics financial wealth does not trump the wellbeing of the community, as it is distinct from the actions a society must undertake to look after its members. The threat to our livelihoods that a fall in GDP represents is due to a conflation of economics with chrematistics.

  6. Abstract. "During financial crises, liquidity tends to become scarce, a problem that disproportionately affects small companies. This paper shows that obligation-clearing is a very effective liquidity-saving method for providing relief in the trade credit market and, therefore, on the supply-side or productive part of the economy.

  1. 銀行利率比較2020 相關

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