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  1. 出國旅行和保留綠卡的方式 1 . traveling and keeping the green card 1 .出國旅行和保留綠卡的方式 The couple don ' t have to spend much money on their foreign trip 那對夫婦出國旅行的錢不夠用。 B : no . this is my first trip abroad 不,這是我第一次出國旅行。 2

  2. 短語和例子. "出國熱" 英文翻譯 : craze for going abroad; makeover for an old downtown area. "出國展" 英文翻譯 : overseas exhibition. "呼出國" 英文翻譯 : outgoing country. "派出國" 英文翻譯 : sending state. "遷出國" 英文翻譯 : country of emigration. "輸出國" 英文翻譯 : exporting country. "移出國 ...

  3. leave out of account [consideration] 不去注意,置之度外。. leave over 1. 留下,剩下。. 2. 展期,延期。. leave severely alone 盡量不干涉,不發生關系,敬而遠之。. leave sb. (out) in the cold 〔口語〕不睬某人。. leave sb. the bag to hold 把麻煩事推給某人。. leave sb. to himself [to his own ...

  4. 1.拜訪,訪問,探望,問候;(作客)暫住;…游覽,參觀;常常,常常出入。2.視察,調查,巡視;(某處)檢查;出診。3.(疾病、災害等)侵襲;降臨。4.懲罰(罪人);施加(報復,報應)。5.〔古語〕降福于。 visit a friend 拜訪朋友。 visit Rome 羅馬游覽。

  5. be on visiting terms with = have a visiting acquaintance with 和…常互相訪問,和…關系密切。. "visiting book" 中文翻譯 : 來賓留名簿。. "visiting card" 中文翻譯 : 名片。. "visiting day" 中文翻譯 : 會客日,接見來客日。. "visiting fireman" 中文翻譯 : 〔美俚〕游客。.

  6. 沒有必要討論這些牽連關系了。She had no call to live in england . 她沒有必要住在英國。It was not necessary to think about it . 沒有必要操心。It was a needless endeavour . 這一努力其實是沒有必要的。Don't trouble him needlessly . 沒有必要就不要打擾2

  7. be off 走,,逃。 I must be off. 我得走了。 Where are you off to 你去哪里? fly off 飛。 go off 走掉 〔cf. O- you go! 滾!〕。 run off 跑掉。 2.〔移動〕離開,脫掉 (opp. on)。 beat off 打退(敵人)。 put off 延期。 ward off an attack 擋開攻擊。 come off 脫落,(柄