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  1. Every Monday to Friday|10pm to 12am EBC News Channel 51Please stay tuned for the 「Critical Time」 news and insider pursuits「Critical Time」 is a TV program ho...

  2. Taiwan Critical Time. 3.18M subscribers. 1.3K. 111K views 1 month ago. Aftershocks continue as Taiwan’s National Army and Special Search Team provide disaster relief! ...more. ※尊重身體自主權,請撥打113或110!...

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  3. (00:00:00) Part1:一件皮衣抗軍演!台股再創新高 輝達「獲利成長7倍」聯手台積電打臉習近平!【關鍵時刻】20240523-1 劉寶傑 黃世聰 姚惠珍 林廷輝 吳子 ...

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  4. 關鍵時刻全集】20221005 一天拿赫爾松50城鎮! 烏軍全速前進 澤倫斯基簽「拒談令」逼普丁下台! 江澤民一張「慶生照」對習近平宣戰! 二十大倒數兩周中共元老「集體造反」! |劉寶傑 - YouTube. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy &...

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  5. Ko Wenzhe takes another step in the legislative race, asking blue and green to vote for him. ( 00:00:00) Part 1: Ke Wenzhe, the leader of the Legislative Yuan, called blue and green to come to the...

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  6. 報導本於目前偵辦進度與披露資訊,任何人在依法被判決有罪確定前,均應推定為無罪(00:00:00) Part1:柯文哲涉貪虎頭鍘砍向沈慶京 一張動土照恐重判 ...

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