Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. B2 中高級 中文 卡拉ok 記憶 失智症 遊戲 刺激 台灣 過年最愛的娛樂——麻將成為對抗老年痴呆症的療法?! (Taiwan Care Home Turns to Mahjong Therapy To Fight Dementia | TaiwanPlus News)

  2. 她說身為一位未來食物的學者,她思考我們未來會吃什麼,以及為什麼我們會吃那樣食物。. Yes, in particular, she looks at why there are particular trends. 沒錯,她特別探討特定趨勢出現的原因。. A trend is what is popular now or what is becoming popular. 趨勢是指現在所流行的或即將 ...

  3. In this video, I'm going to take the seven most commonly-believed myths that you likely still believe about healthy food and explain the truth behind them. 在這支影片中我將會揭曉七個廣受大眾誤解你可能至今仍舊相信的健康食物謠言並且講解背後真正的狀況。. We're going to be looking at the ...

  4. 食安風暴層出不窮,到底還有甚麼能吃? 原來不只食物連生活週遭的普通物品都可能是致癌物! 人類究竟該如何面對!? 【重點片語】 make someone ill:使人生病 buy into:認同;從眾 at fault:有錯 way too much:太多 That’s all I need.:我要的只有這樣

  5. Meanwhile, research in the UK found that almost seventy five percent of calories in school lunches comes from ultra- processed food. 與此同時,英國的研究發現,學校午餐中近 75% 的卡路里來自超加工食品。. Health experts have called for there to be a limit on this type of food for schoolchildren. 健康專家呼籲 ...

  6. 我們現在的小朋友最常吃的食物之一就是雞塊。 Whether it's out of the oven at home or from the drive-thru at the fast-food place down the street, we just can't seem to get enough of em'. 無論是家裡剛出爐的還是街邊速食店的得來速,我們似乎都吃不夠。 But who actually invented chicken nuggets? 但究竟是誰發明了雞塊? Let's find out on today's episode of Colossal Questions. 讓我們在 Colossal Questions 今天的這一集影片中找出答案吧。

  7. 非素食者的全素甜點初體驗! (Non-Vegans Try Vegan Desserts) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Non-Vegans Try Vegan Desserts. 影片播放. - Are you vegan? - No. - 你是全素主義者嗎? - 不是。 Good. 太好了。 I don't think I've ever touched a single vegan food in my life, except like by accident. 我想我從來都沒有碰過任何全素食物,除了在偶然的情況下 。 I usually do like vegan food. 我通常是喜歡全素食物的。